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F4 = screenshot (saves one with hud and one without)
F9 = big screenshot (5x the size of normal screenshot but water and ssao doesn't render)
Added graphics.dof_aper, graphics.dof_blur
Tweaked eye materials
Slightly less overwhelming bush spawns on Savas. Added a new food crate loot type. Turned one Savas compound into a food town. Built manifest.
SavasIsland isn't missing half the decor spawns anymore.
Touching ocean shader; because unity
Hapis has topomaps for barrel spawnage again.
If spectating in first person use player eye angles
Fixed 3rd person spectator offset
In eye view for specator uses correct eye bone
Smoothed dev camera, automatically hides HUD and draws local player, jump slows down cam movement
camlerp convar alters lerp for dev camera
Keypad plus and minus change quality level, multiply toggles HUD
Coldbreath only shows when players are close enough to see it
Attempt to make SavasIsland playable
Simplified amplify color shaders; removed keywords
Cleaned up obsolete keywords from some materials; lots of ghost keywords
Updated material keyword cleanup tool
Removed direct light (sun/moon) specular highlights from water to play nice with TOD's reflection probes
Added new quarry stone mesh particle.
Fixed attachment points on pump shotgun + thompson
Client disconnect error fix
Cherry picking sky reflection improvements from water2.5
Tweaked viewmodel to reduce jitter
Everything except for throwables and arrows can penetrate twig building parts
Twig building parts have a bit more health
tweaked frosty breath to look less like everyone is smoking weed.
Wood barricades can be penetrated by certain rifle bullets and shotgun slugs
Twig building parts can be penetrated by most bullets
Fixed some missing weapon attachment points
Silencer world model
Parenting fixes (to help avoid spectator offset fuckups)
Fixed not being to drag out of 1st weapon mod slot
No crosshair stuff when spectating
Server send spectated entity immediately when begin spectating
Leave old visgroups AFTER joining new ones
Player spawn fix (Awake isn't called until spawn on the client anymore)
Fix torch attack effect not playing
Savas interior reverb pass
Shotgun pump sound timing tweak. Fix pump sound playing twice when firing from ironsights
missing file from code lock ui beep volume fix
UISoundPlayer can play sounds from SoundDefinitions
Code lock code changing beeps are the same volume as the in world beeps
fixed a bug where the player would get shot and not stay down on the ground like the punk ass bitch that he is
added beds
actually disabled smoke rockets
Fix ak viewmodel effects not being found
First pass at rocket launcher sounds
Gibbables can specify a gib effect
Pumpkin gib effect
Loot barrel gib effect
SavasIsland_koth playable. Removed _dm from BuildSettings. (for now)
Reverb/ambience pass on all static structures
Trigger to enable/disable reverb zones (Unity's reverb zones can only be spheres)
added some code to show the player's breath in the colder regions.
must click to cycle bolt action, this lets you stay zoomed after a shot
Added SavasIsland_dm and _koth to BuildSettings. (wip)
Tree-fields-bare alpha fix. Savas scene stuff.
Patchwork pants models, textures, etc.
Added smoke FV to small furnace and tweaked some settings.
Pre-topozone SavasIsland.
Fixed dropping blueprint on item sometimes combining/stacking them
Added heat haze VFX to large furnace
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added some more relax gestures for the rock and shotgun
added better silencer model