
116,222 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!

9 Years Ago
Trainyard monument topology fixes
9 Years Ago
Merge from main
9 Years Ago
Added Tint Splat selection to Biome Layer in Rust/Standard shaders
9 Years Ago
Hardcoded road tinting to dirt splat layer
9 Years Ago
Various rock improvements
9 Years Ago
Unity 5.4.0b8
9 Years Ago
fully repairing an object resets its decay delay
9 Years Ago
fixed helicopter not being able to target players at some monuments
9 Years Ago
fixed explosive rounds doing double damage to some objects
9 Years Ago
Sewer big rooms art Canyon dungeon update
9 Years Ago
Assert Diagnosis
9 Years Ago
Tooltips on craft/inv toggle button Tooltips try to stay on screen vertically Layout stuff, tweens
9 Years Ago
Fixed occasional sawtooth terrain glitch around monuments
9 Years Ago
Fixed linux not creating log files properly
9 Years Ago
Don't print rcon response to console/log files, just respond with it Console command json responses are formatted nicely
9 Years Ago
Merge from main
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Cherry pick 13716 - added bans, serverinfo commands - console.tail, search returns json - asserts are logged properly - webrcon response.type is now a string - asserts show as red in server console
9 Years Ago
Updated to unity 5.3.3p1
9 Years Ago
Powerline generation tweaks
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Merge from main
9 Years Ago
First pass balance of tech tree earn xp when Gathering stuff on the ground (hemp etc) earn xp when Destroying barrel earn xp when Killing animal earn xp when Opening found loot boxes
9 Years Ago
Smoother Still
9 Years Ago
Tech Tree editor errors + performance
9 Years Ago
xp earner from loot crates
9 Years Ago
Testing assert fix on rock break
9 Years Ago
Road network generation tweaks
9 Years Ago
Fixed rocks sometimes spawning on warehouse quarry
9 Years Ago
Fixed floaty arid / beach trees
9 Years Ago
Terrain carve was to wide in some dungeons
9 Years Ago
Dungeon updates - some splat painting over and polish, prefab conversion Brighter snow biome rock colour @petur Pipeline pylons collider update Fixed powerplant chimneys ladder space being too narrow Fix for RUST-434, RUST-493, RUST-545 Removed dynamic batching from some dungeons rocks 'Add to heightmap' added to open air sewer prefabs
9 Years Ago
Added admin.serverinfo Added admin.bans LogType.Assert is handled console.tail + return json
9 Years Ago
Define earner value in definitions
9 Years Ago
Water treatment plant backup
9 Years Ago
Water treatment plan level design update wip Trainyard backup Wall prefab addition
9 Years Ago
ForceEnableAssertions proper
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Changed how xp history is recorded Added xp.history <userid> - returns player's xp history Fixed lootspawn warnings, due to blueprints being gone
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Rcon replies don't print in the console/log
9 Years Ago
Missed a "IF NOT EXISTS"
9 Years Ago
Xp and Level shown in PlayerInfo
9 Years Ago
Fixed linux server not writing all log files
9 Years Ago
XP history stats recording (for balancing)
9 Years Ago
Removed blueprint frag/pages/books
9 Years Ago
Procmap does not spawn stuff on 'building splat mask' anymore