117,003 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Fixed npc culling NRE after leaving server
Enabled back culling and variable visupdate rate
Batching cleanup and fixes
Vis double checks collider enabled state
Add ability to schedule sounds for future playback to SoundManager
Physics sound playback improved
Vedning machine plays purchased item's physics impact sounds
reduced size of vending machine icon to prevent text clipping
lower right vending machine text displays number of items per sell order
vending machine has higher health
water bottle, bota bag, buckets no longer considered 'hostile' to peacekeeper turrets
shopfront can't be stacked on itself
turrets no longer consider dead players hostile after they respawn and run back
fixed being unable to rightclick-move objects into customer side of shop front
no longer show crosshair when aiming at a "Not Player Usable" collider of an entity
fixed flamethrower going through shopfront
shopfront has same health/protection as sheet metal wall
small delay with process indicator when both parties have accepted (less jarring)
Added convars to toggle "immediate invalidate" feature on batching systems
Fixed race condition in mesh batch threading
Fixed billboard shadows
Fixed ST/foliage deferred transmission
Convars to toggle batching threading
Bunker room prefab update
Pipe variants, prefabs, LOD/COL
BaseEntity.Query (boilerplate for octree entity lookup)
Ai fears player a bit more
Ai stops attacking and flees if tired
correct settings for world model fbxs
CodeGen (client compile fix)
Fixed issues with batched LODs getting randomly stuck
Ai: don't try to eat alive stuff
Ai: fixed not fleeing
Fixed some merge fixes (cs19123); fixed shader level not working
Fixed some cginc and shader outdated from main; touched rust/std
Ai stop sleeping when being attacked
Fixed collider batching issue
Fixed pink glass cube on craggy's scene
Fixed grass and foliage shaders
Fixed bear double spawnable
Fixed shader merge again
Script u5.6 auto-update fixes
Deleted name conflicted files
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