118,079 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
Subtracted animal changes.
Merged foraging and sleeping animals.
Merged NPC logging.
Fixed torch effects not disabling/enabling
Animals now accelerate 30% slower.
Fixed torch animation lit layers
Fixed BuildingTest scene
Updated terrain map extension editor baking to store per-terrain instead of per-scene
Paper always craftable
Fixed being able to fly by opening the console
Fixed animal trap interest.
Fixed anchors for conditional meshes
ADS provides less recoil reduction
crouching now provides recoil reduction
Merged changes from main.
Reverted testlevel to non broke version
fixed issues with torch controller ( was selecting wrong anims & length of blends were causing issues between states)
Updated Torch vm anims
Fixed lootable corpse not dropping some of it's contents on death
Retired TransformChangeMonitor
Added EntityTransformNetworking component
NPCs now call TransformChanged() manually
Players now call TransformChanged() manually
Added editor baking support to all terrain map extensions (WIP)
fixed codelock not showing status in green/red
small storage is now default blueprint
bear trap is now snap trap
can no longer craft vagabondjacket + assaultrifle by default
updated cupboard icon
fixed codelock not showing status in green/red
small storage is now default blueprint
bear trap is now snap trap
can no longer craft vagabondjacket + assaultrifle by default
updated cupboard icon
Fixed barrels respawning until they took over the whole world
Barrels die properly when killed
made torch light less pink
Building stone skins meshes/textures/materials/prefabs
Fixed base normal not active on legacy terrain shader
Tweaked some normal map settings
made corpses invulnerable to bullet damage
Added splat modifier placement and anchor placement to TerrainModifierGenerator
Updated radtown_small3 scene (not the prefab yet)
Devlist and legacy terrain debug files.
added boar idle/walk/run animations for various states ( tired / angry )
added boar and wolf flinching (stationary / moving)
fixed some issues with the bear anim controller.
Foraging now has a separate duration property.
Stag now flee half as far.
Reduced animal attack range.
Animals now slow down while turning.
Fixed splat terrain modifier introducing some NaN values to the splatmap in certain cases
Log errors if the heightmap or splatmap contain NaN values when calculating the world checksums
fixed out of order usage of RaycastAll in DropToGround
fixed bug where corpses would disappear regardless if it took damage/was being looted
corpses of objects killed by beartrap will hang around a looong time
tweaked AR recoil
fixed the ak47 prefab. (it no longer reloads after every shot :)
Reapplied NPC age and murder weapon logging.
Subtracted last commit because it had scene changes.
NPC death logs now include the creature's age and what weapon killed it.
Reapplied boar and stag stamina changes.
merge into main - AI should be attracted to traps now
merge into main - AI should be attracted to traps now
Halved boar and stag gallop stamina.