116,337 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
PostProcessLayer fall back to normal render path when TAA is disabled
Experiment: DontBecomeSolidWithPlayerInside no longer does anything
Removed occluder meshes from half wall building block (no longer required, don't cherry pick this)
Removed occluder meshes from building blocks (no longer required, cherry pick this)
Removed BuildPrivilegeTrigger from cupboard (no longer required)
Removed some super old obsolete "WorldItem_" components (all unused)
Removed PlaceSourceObjects procedural component (obsolete for a long time)
New entity socket finder checks all player building layers + the crater layer
Removed socket handle components (no longer required)
fix for quickcraft icon lag when looting players
removed map update processing when the map was not even open (oops)
Removed construct vision trigger (no longer required)
Fixed proximity issue on foundations with walls
Roofs now occupy the wall socket at their bottom end
Made ConstructionSocket.DoPlacement all nice
junkyard progress backup - barbedwire progress - rusty tank
Body hover locations now scale correctly
Restored 2017.2 DXT5nm shader corrections
can hover over body part in inventory to see local protection
removed a bunch of unused damage types from armor display
can wear bandana with bucket helmet and wood armor helmet
Fixed some hair materials not replaced when switching between player seeds
Cleared a couple of heap allocs
ugly ass solution for bulletproof window gibs
disabled eyebrow materials on non TSSAA, created separate eyebrow strand materials, condensed skin player asset files down to asian, light and dark female and male, (removed #01, #02, #all etc)
Making sure we don't duplicate obj motion vec fix
Fixed eyebrow materials not getting replaced
Hapis launch site progress
added hairstyle 3 male and female. tweaked materials on facial hair 2 to look better and reduced texture size, created skin tone hair presets and applied to players, made pubic hair darker and less contrasty, made female pubic hair smaller in general, WIP work on hair dye, setting up hair colour preset materials and skin tone specific
Fixed facial hair 01 not showing
Fixed non-TAA OpacityMask not hiding hair when set to 1
Assigned race hair sets to respective skin sets
Removed hair dye variations for now
Add hair shader gui with copy/paste property buttons
Added hair sets for each race
Added hair dyeing (dark only for now)
Eliminated the need for client side building socket colliders (better performance with building plan / deployable in hand)
Removed APC from tunnels complex
APC now spawns at launch site
bullet proof insert model/gibs/collider
window bars are thinner on all tiers inserts
fix for tree minigame always going right and never left
tree minigame rotates each X less
tree minigame X starts relative to the initial strike position rather than randomly
tree minigame picks one direction to rotate never goes the other way
added bulletproof glass window insert