116,364 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Force nav_wait to false in editor.
FIxed NRE on decay entities without decay component
Fixed indirect reflections on hair shader
When placing monuments, don't accept the first placement that works but instead try multiple layouts and pick the best one
junkyard progress backup - heli parts prefab/colliders cleanup
Tweaked wall secondary stability socket volumes
Added neighbour socket to low (1/3) walls
Prevent half height offset wall stacking
Launchsite / fixed a small gap inside warehouses allowing bradley to shoot through
Adjusted neighbour sockets for roof side conditional models to properly work with half height walls
Added one missing half wall deploy volume
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Fix for sign painting UI been dark
Protection typo fix
X is no longer placed low enough to require a crouch
Fixed culling always drawing gizmos (only on debug now)
Fixed disabling culling.lodcomp not restoring visibility on registered objects
Merge from culling-lodcomp
Fixed player preview alpha fade on inventory transitions
Added culling debug mask
Added culling.lodcomp toggle to enable lodcomponent culling (disabled by default)
Modified culling.debug to allow multiple debug filter states; 1=dynamic, 2=static, 3=grid, 4=all
Proper fix for player preview shaders
invisible player preview fix GEqual
Fixed some floating geometry on light facial hair 01 chin area. Tweak hair materials to have less specularity in shadow. More dye material presets. Re-enabled dark to use more than hairstyle 03
Fixed DecalRecycle and EffectRecycleLite not implementing OnParentDestroying (lol)
map fixes for mod support
bandana bullet protection halved
headdress melee protection reduced by 20%
fully body armor values are displayed properly
implemented primitive box model
First pass adding occlusion culling to lodcomponent (meshLOD+rendererLOD, for now)
missing seed panel
fixed explosive information panel
player preview glow changes
Fixed crash on DrawMeshInstanced by using an empty material block
fixed floating geo on male facial hair 01 and added a bit more density on chin area, fixed wrong morph target order on female eyebrows, creating dye material sets
Added cap base color override option to hair dye
Updated conditional model test of the bottom roof piece
Player preview protection tooltips
When saving, catch any exceptions inside entity serialization so the save coroutine never crashes