
301 Commits over 91 Days - 0.14cph!

3 Months Ago
Basic vehicle visuals port
3 Months Ago
Forgot the marker!
3 Months Ago
Use map marker for vendor instead. Remove ability to see what it has in advance through a vending machine icon.
3 Months Ago
Null error
3 Months Ago
Round prices up to the nearest 5 to make them look nicer
3 Months Ago
Ensured ring road will be found if one exists on the map. Fixes problem stopping vendor from being spawned on a totally fine map.
3 Months Ago
3 Months Ago
Final'ish tweaks
3 Months Ago
Mat fixaroo
3 Months Ago
Turret laser FX. Neon texture adjustments. Added neon emission to lighting prefab.
3 Months Ago
Fixed client compile error
3 Months Ago
Fixed vendor front spacing and placement
3 Months Ago
Fixed dodgy serverside references causing duplicate vendor fronts and turrets Vendor fronts should now be spawned in the correct position Setup work for new icon Prefab changes
3 Months Ago
2-stage exhaust prefab. Idle+Driving.
3 Months Ago
Lighting prefab update.
3 Months Ago
Stubbed on destroy code
3 Months Ago
Fixed broken protobuf file
3 Months Ago
Merge main
3 Months Ago
Codegen. Ready to go
3 Months Ago
Added quick death to get on AUX.
3 Months Ago
Fixed roads being picked up as a spawn check Added some convars to customise behaviour
3 Months Ago
Vendor spawn event will now check a bunch of spawn positions before selecting appropriate one. This prevents vendor from spawning on top of anything.
3 Months Ago
Fixed broken top turrets
3 Months Ago
Prefab fixes
3 Months Ago
Lighting prefab & related mats & textures
3 Months Ago
Added more sell orders Broken new turret setup with vendor Setup turrent variant
3 Months Ago
Fixed incorrect index (again)
3 Months Ago
Fixed incorrect destination on event start
3 Months Ago
Sorted null hit colliders in obstacle check
3 Months Ago
Clear now-missing component in RealmedRemove, and remove unused LODGroup
3 Months Ago
Event setup Added missed world mask to obstacles Codegen
3 Months Ago
Set up the vehicle world + detailed collider sets
3 Months Ago
Moved the front force trigger to a separate GameObject
3 Months Ago
Manifest update
3 Months Ago
Fix travelling vendor code compilation when in client or server only modes
3 Months Ago
Merge main -> travelling_vendor (client compile fixes)
3 Months Ago
Merge main
3 Months Ago
Fixed random letter in file
3 Months Ago
Fixed vendor alignment Made alignment work with steering instead
3 Months Ago
Merge main -> travelling_vendor
3 Months Ago
Pull over does appropriate checks either side Ensure waiting on pullover is consistent Additional safety checks whilst aligning Entity info on death by vendor
3 Months Ago
Vendor clientside stuff: - basic steering - basic wheel rotation
3 Months Ago
Merge main
3 Months Ago
set correct texture scale in engine
3 Months Ago
reduced texture sizes
3 Months Ago
Fixed a bunch of weird bugs with pulling over Lights flag now sets at night Dynamic destination distance checks
3 Months Ago
Aligning state now applies force and does appopriate angle checks
3 Months Ago
Pull over methods use the brakes like everything else Is server check on client scripts Refactor vendor prefab into categories
3 Months Ago
Fixed vendor spawn orientation More consistent pulling over positions Increased vendor mass and drag
3 Months Ago
Prevented vendor from tipping over in some scenarios