
116,220 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!

4 Years Ago
Oak and douglas fir material fixes
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
Creosote bush / mormon tea / ocotillo material tweaks
4 Years Ago
American beech and birch material fixes / fixed corrupted textures
4 Years Ago
Manually copied material settings for pines, willow bushes, spice bushes from the HDRP branch / Fixed corrupted pine textures
4 Years Ago
Fixed missing stable vendor name Fixed Saddle item SFX
4 Years Ago
Reference mesh, and test. folder setup.
4 Years Ago
Specular changes to bushes
4 Years Ago
Foliage material and texture fixes
4 Years Ago
Shoreline wetness, terrain blend start.
4 Years Ago
Redesigned Military Tunnels outdoors to make nicer road connections to rest of the map
4 Years Ago
New carpark model/prefab
4 Years Ago
Reduced HQM horse shoe sell order scrap cost
4 Years Ago
Fixed stable server up errors S2P Stables
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
merge from horse_issues2
4 Years Ago
Manifest file rebuild
4 Years Ago
Merge from TaxiModule -> Main
4 Years Ago
Hack for kick button until interaction is fixed. Cast our own ray in the ShowIf, plus check angle and distance in CanKickPassengers
4 Years Ago
refresh cache reference when updating a custom design
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
merge from /save200
4 Years Ago
network++ save++
4 Years Ago
Taxi kick button code
4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
Stables_b dressing tweak to avoid clipping by the openned gates (feel free to revert, it's a one sec change)
4 Years Ago
Openned the horse box gate, updated colliders Re-enabled collider in prefab
4 Years Ago
Even more north
4 Years Ago
4 Years Ago
Setting up taxi module kick button. Seating prefab update. Currently kick interaction is non-functional due to an existing player interaction bug. Manifest rebuild and code gen.
4 Years Ago
More north
4 Years Ago
Reduced horse spawns Small amount of boats now spawn procedurally again Place holder values just to get Staging wipe ready
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
More northern face
4 Years Ago
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4 Years Ago
merge from main
4 Years Ago
Stable turret setup
4 Years Ago
Slightly decrease engine power in all modular cars
4 Years Ago
Thickened side colliders on taxi module and both armoured modules, to reduce client-side gunshot hits through the walls (server-side was already OK).
4 Years Ago
Stables safe zone Stables music - temp if we decide to use it Improved road connection
4 Years Ago
Add graphics.vm_horizontal_flip convar to flip viewmodels horizontally (for left handed players)
4 Years Ago
Removed horse shoe and horse armour sales from compound - now sold at stables Reduced cost of HQM horse shoe
4 Years Ago
added horse saddle + vendor + claiming
4 Years Ago
Cherry pick 2-module passenger fix
4 Years Ago
revert fix passenger long module
4 Years Ago
Telephone can be researched + crafting costs
4 Years Ago
Increase taxi module glass strength
4 Years Ago
fixed phone deployed mismatched layer checks, missing inside check, notinwater check and tweaked deploy volumes
4 Years Ago
Terrain around new ice lakes
4 Years Ago