223,497 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

7 Years Ago
Updated preset editor to be actually functional
7 Years Ago
Test stuff for Diogo
7 Years Ago
Calls on an unresolved leaderboard are deferred Applies to: * AddScore( bool onlyIfBeatsOldScore, int score, params int[] subscores ) * AddScore( bool onlyIfBeatsOldScore, int score, int[] subscores = null, AddScoreCallback onSuccess = null, FailureCallback onFailure = null ) * AttachRemoteFile( RemoteFile file, AttachRemoteFileCallback onSuccess = null, FailureCallback onFailure = null ) * FetchScores( RequestType RequestType, int start, int end, FetchScoresCallback onSuccess, FailureCallback onFailure = null )
7 Years Ago
fixed stupid out of range error
7 Years Ago
ore nre fix
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Navmesh grid patches can now be traversed by npcs, albeit a bit awkwardly.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fixed NRE
7 Years Ago
merge interaction fixes to main (because I suck at branches)
7 Years Ago
Interaction desires now transfer their blackboard to the new behaviours (should fix interactions from desires just constantly breaking)
7 Years Ago
control tests
7 Years Ago
Fixed import settings for spec and smoothness terrain source textures
7 Years Ago
fixed scene with loadout UI stuff?
7 Years Ago
Don't return invalid pointers from object map
7 Years Ago
Fixes "Invalid object in GC" crash
7 Years Ago
Craft & building window scrollbar improvements
7 Years Ago
Compile fix
7 Years Ago
Updated Facepunch.Steamworks Updated Facepunch.Unity Updated Facepunch.System Removed old exception reporter
7 Years Ago
removed dupe dll
7 Years Ago
compile fix
7 Years Ago
Updated Facepunch stuff f3
7 Years Ago
Added `throwIfNotFound` param to StageID.Get(typeName)
7 Years Ago
Added a filter to the spawn tab of the debug tool
7 Years Ago
playtest build
7 Years Ago
Forgot to save
7 Years Ago
Campfire percentage display should now show correct value based on all inputs in fire, not just the current input
7 Years Ago
Party overlay now shows a different icon based on the units party role
7 Years Ago
Fixed UnitCollections getting visible knowledge overlay widgets
7 Years Ago
First pass on a more springy zoom model for the Follow camera (still has issues)
7 Years Ago
locator shader model 3.0
7 Years Ago
tweaked octopus bullets player visual locator fade out player locator on death
7 Years Ago
noob area wip
7 Years Ago
Fixed units not being able to move after wearing a piece of clothing (InStationaryState on Animation component was being left on after an Animator rebind)
7 Years Ago
Env settings & scene stuff
7 Years Ago
Fixed error in packed texture asset postprocessor
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Singleton fix
7 Years Ago
Fixed tribe create missing post
7 Years Ago
Fixed camera modules not being properly enabled
7 Years Ago
Fixed NRE
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fixed some Singletons fucking OnEnable
7 Years Ago
Camera modules are now mono behaviours with scriptable obj profiles, input moved to static PlayerCameraInput
7 Years Ago
Bin spawn changes, console command changes.
7 Years Ago
Camera tweaks
7 Years Ago
Added an AutoContinueThroughInputs bool to FuelToEffect Machine Process to keep campfires going though multiple inputs
7 Years Ago
Fixed vehicle sounds and other vehicle state issues.
7 Years Ago
Fixed M key toggling map while marker creation is active DepositEntity Action has blackboard read fallback