223,814 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

7 Years Ago
More ai tweaks.
7 Years Ago
Actually add the scene...
7 Years Ago
Fixed player tribe not spawning in correct place if customization is disabled in the game mode. Added empty scene for Lost And Found
7 Years Ago
backup launch_site scene
7 Years Ago
game mode scene list should now be validated against the game's scene list
7 Years Ago
▉▋▌▆▌ ▄▅ █▄▌▆▉█▌ ▋▉█▆ ▇▅▅▍▆ ▄▉▌▊▉▌█ ▄▅█ ▆▆▊▅ ▉▅▍▉ ▉▋▋▉▆▉▇▇
7 Years Ago
Game Modes now define a list of valid scenes
7 Years Ago
Various Growable/Seed fixes
7 Years Ago
Re-add DLLs without using LFS and without screwing around with git history
7 Years Ago
Move Valve-related icons to the specific subforum
7 Years Ago
null check disabled movement modes in Navigation
7 Years Ago
Disabled breeding collab
7 Years Ago
Give player PhysGun last (so it isn't the default weapon)
7 Years Ago
Seed planting, growing
7 Years Ago
Updated srcds_run: * Defaulted -game to garrysmod instead of "tf" * Defaulted +map to "gm_contruct" * Added -nodefaultmap * -autoupdate now uses SteamCMD ** -steambin, -steamverify, -steamuser and -steampass removed ** steam_dir and -steamcmd_script
7 Years Ago
Personal computer
7 Years Ago
Merged from main
7 Years Ago
launch_site dressing fixes / scene2prefab
7 Years Ago
meta texture re-sizing
7 Years Ago
Ai tweaks
7 Years Ago
re-enabled setting start time from Session
7 Years Ago
Disable dynamic DOF in tribe create
7 Years Ago
merge from dungeon_art_7
7 Years Ago
New forum icons
7 Years Ago
Refactored/cleaned up reproduction persisted / date time usage GameDateTime month support, TimeManager.OnMonth actually invoked now Re-enabled breeding AI module Growable/Seed boilerplate
7 Years Ago
made starting day be determined by a 0-1 float representing time in year
7 Years Ago
some anim polish
7 Years Ago
fixed hotspot bonus sound not appearing where hotspot was destroyed lowered ore hotspot HDR component gathering destroy fraction is also multiplied by the ore minigame (fixes yields too high with lesser tools)
7 Years Ago
TimeManager.SetTime cleanup
7 Years Ago
Added asset for Lost And Found
7 Years Ago
Character create DOF mode Removed StartingSeason in GameModeDefinition
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Slight refactor of existing game modes to put things in the base mode. Added classes for Loast and Found mode
7 Years Ago
rolling back the right terrain grass albedo
7 Years Ago
Added new post icons
7 Years Ago
Fixed items not being added to the UnitAttachments entities list, causing encumbrance calculation to be wrong Fixed dataBrowser.AssetTypes missing GameModeDefinition
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Unity 5.6.2p4
7 Years Ago
Various Player command refactoring, radial menu improvements prep
7 Years Ago
ore nodes: updating paths to new visuals in prefabs
7 Years Ago
cutting in train tracks to hex
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fixed crosshair disappearing when entering a vehicle with SetAllowWeaponsInVehicle set to true Changing value of SetAllowWeaponsInVehicle will now be applied immediately and it is no longer necessary to reenter the vehicle
7 Years Ago
Compile fix
7 Years Ago
Fixed terrain atlas grass albedo using wrong texture
7 Years Ago
Ponder ability now "Random Idle" for 2-6 real seconds, no longer triggers anims
7 Years Ago
merge from main
7 Years Ago
Clamp lerp value distance in dynamicDOF
7 Years Ago
DOF speed, save
7 Years Ago
Compile fix