224,041 Commits over 3,684 Days - 2.53cph!

7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Fixed some missing script references in overgrowth_dressing (pending Scene2Prefab)
7 Years Ago
Fix (?) for unitview tag change when a unit kills itself Shitty placeholder code to get AI triggering stuff so I can start working on AI helper functions
7 Years Ago
Fixed missing scene reference
7 Years Ago
Removed duped code Removed unused scenes
7 Years Ago
removed top and bottom from SPN_1
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
assets for new spawner system
7 Years Ago
Caves Scene2Prefab
7 Years Ago
Fix for RUST-1698 - Building / raiding outside of caves / Light well cap model now uses a collider
7 Years Ago
Fix for RUST-1694 - Double door at powerplant
7 Years Ago
Fix for RUST-1697 - Inaccessible loot spawn in military tunnel mines
7 Years Ago
re hooked up smoke mesh, lost due to unity crashing
7 Years Ago
Fixed shitty isStationary usage in the human animator, added UnitStationaryState stateMachineBehaviour Cleaned up some Agent debug members
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Estimated unique user count
7 Years Ago
Game Session graph works again Estimated unique user count
7 Years Ago
Forest dead branch clutter collider shouldn't block movement anymore Stone collectables and tree stump displace grass around themselves
7 Years Ago
Fixed possible NRE Merge branch 'master' of SpaceUsurperUnity
7 Years Ago
Mae detail view RenderTexture 2k
7 Years Ago
made wood trunk item smaller made pine tree spit out trunk instead of logs
7 Years Ago
Sort children
7 Years Ago
Fixed SetDestination never ending
7 Years Ago
merged from child branch
7 Years Ago
Merge from main
7 Years Ago
Tweaks for wind intensity on foliage (tall grass clusters, bushes)
7 Years Ago
Allow AI to path interior doors
7 Years Ago
added wip new trimmed truck, added wip window reflect shader and material, updated to newest unity
7 Years Ago
tweaks / fixes to scene
7 Years Ago
smoke fx trunk item
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
CLuaClass::Get only calls lua_type once
7 Years Ago
Allow open/close of interior doors, even if you don't own the building. Only outer doors are unusable (when closed) now.
7 Years Ago
New door nav system taking advantace of NavMeshLinks to replace non-carving obstacles that were there before. Major performance improvement. Also fixed a bug with door interaction text when two players were interacting with the door at once.
7 Years Ago
cursor nullref fix fix bullet pushing shorter player trail, tweaked player speed added braking back to default player armor debug text doesnt use TMPro
7 Years Ago
Smarter dynamic music clip loading/unloading (only load needed sections instead of whole songs at a time) Sync improvements Bugfixes Minor optimization & cleanup
7 Years Ago
Trying nav changes to improve door nav performance on servers. Doors using NavMeshLinks. Unfortunately NPCs can occasionally teleport through when they shouldn't.
7 Years Ago
Portacabin walkway LODs/COL/Prefabs Pavement merge and vertex paint Door rotation fixes Fixed colision material on ground Fixed vertex paint on ground LODs Created placeholder loot placement
7 Years Ago
Don't need connection check on door interaction. Fixes NPCs not being able to interact with doors anymore.
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Naming conflicts
7 Years Ago
removed unity analytics
7 Years Ago
Fixed DeletePages Partition fix
7 Years Ago
removed plugin
7 Years Ago
string extensions
7 Years Ago
Removed old steam stuff
7 Years Ago
Clear squad button works again
7 Years Ago
CommandBlock now gets cleared after it is sent (fixes my warning log, but nothing was broken)
7 Years Ago