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8 Years Ago
Some map generation order restructuring
8 Years Ago
Bus stop topology tweaks
8 Years Ago
Power substations are only added to start and end segments of paths, not to interruptions
8 Years Ago
Sewer big rooms prefabs with reverb and Ttriggers
8 Years Ago
first pass bone armour
8 Years Ago
Working on shifting our relationship approach to use Opinions.
8 Years Ago
Mushrooms not scored for DM
8 Years Ago
Compile fix
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Cache player components because why not UIWidget base tweener functionality
8 Years Ago
merge from main
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
new click sound
8 Years Ago
Updated bomb mission to show on map who has bomb, who has been eliminated
8 Years Ago
WTP, Trainyard,Canyon, Powerplant : removed custom terrain triggers and manual ladder triggers for sewers Pigeon nest includes ladders / missing Ttrigger on one sewer block
8 Years Ago
Only trim start and end segments of paths
8 Years Ago
Power substation placement tweaks
8 Years Ago
gui sound import settings
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Paths can mark start and end segments
8 Years Ago
Fixed white earth mounds when shader level < 200 (RUST-1224)
8 Years Ago
UI sfx levels adjusted
8 Years Ago
MT scene update
8 Years Ago
Sewers prefabs now include reverb and terrain triggers
8 Years Ago
Merge from prerelease
8 Years Ago
fixed beard clipping better hot animation
8 Years Ago
Mising using directives
8 Years Ago
River and road meshes no longer cast shadows since it's pointless
8 Years Ago
Path spawning has start and end padding
8 Years Ago
Fixed TSSAA related occasional darkening
8 Years Ago
Asteroid room A reenabled, changes. Rebuilt prefabs
8 Years Ago
Renamed some loading screen steps
8 Years Ago
Biome spawn filter is binary (makes more sense for vegetation, fixes lone palms for real)
8 Years Ago
FOR FUCK SAKE player prefab, fixing giggle bone reference in the behavior tree
8 Years Ago
Added missing terrain triggers in facility rooms Added reverb triggers to both mine tunnels and military tunnels prefab
8 Years Ago
Power substation spawn fixes Mountain spawn fixes Biome generation tweaks
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Monument topology fixes on various monuments
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
Merge from prerelease
8 Years Ago
Removed orphaned meta files
8 Years Ago
Moved all assets in "Third Party" into "Plugins" instead. Code in "Plugins" or "Standard Assets" folders does not get recompiled every time, which can save some time. Sort of a poor man's DLL. Note that code in Standard Assets/Plugins can only communicate one-way though: Other code can see it, but it can't see out.
8 Years Ago
Barren map should launch again.
8 Years Ago
Invis twig tree, and some stuff.
8 Years Ago
Fixed those 4 trees with slightly offset colliders.
8 Years Ago
8 Years Ago
More PlayerController raycast improvements, radial menu fixes (save some animation bugs)
8 Years Ago
Use a catchall emitter limit group when one can't be found for a specific ambience emitter
8 Years Ago
Added UnitClassCondition First draft of PlayerController raycast refactor (sphere check to support multiple entity interactions)
8 Years Ago
debug scene for diogo