userAdam Wcancel

11,277 Commits over 3,500 Days - 0.13cph!

1 Year Ago
Reduce spas12 AI effective range
1 Year Ago
50% chance to switch weapon based on target range, when in cover.
1 Year Ago
merge from ai_tweaks
1 Year Ago
Add a LOS and distance check to turn and run for cover
1 Year Ago
merge from ai_tweaks
1 Year Ago
Increase acceleration of all human AI to eliminate sliding when initially moving at full speed
1 Year Ago
merge from ai_tweaks
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
Arena design flank test, can flank from cover as an option.
1 Year Ago
compile fix
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
flank test design
1 Year Ago
Added DDrawAnimalMovement editor convar, draws animal movement info for debugging/testing, currently: magenta line: current ServerRotation (set to navagent desiredVelocity.normalized) cyan line: clientside movement delta, used to slerp clientside rotation to yellow line: current clientside rotation
1 Year Ago
Fix incorrect state enum
1 Year Ago
Load FlankState in ScientistBrain
1 Year Ago
1 Year Ago
flanking wip
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
Updated all scientist AI designs to now have a % chance per tick of continuing to move to chase position in Chase state when the player is LOS, instead of just stopping when LOS and switching to combat state. Scientists now also run attack tick in chase state.
1 Year Ago
Updated scientist AI designs to enter combat state not takecover when initially attacked
1 Year Ago
merge from cover_merge: Scientists now sometimes turn and run to cover instead of retreating slowly backwards. More likely if low on health or ammo. Fixed bug with scientists shooting when not facing towards their target. Fixed combat action timer not resetting and slightly reduce the time between actions.
1 Year Ago
disable some wip flank code
1 Year Ago
wip cherrypick/merge
1 Year Ago
merged from vision: Reworked field of view for Scientists. Lowered their FOV considerably so they don't instantly detect players behind them and also applied a random offset to it. Fixed rear vision detection and simplified it, always detect out of vision but very close players. Updated all main scientist prefabs with new vision stats.
1 Year Ago
Standardised vision stats of all scientist prefabs to new values
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
compile fix
1 Year Ago
profiling fix
1 Year Ago
vision change merge wip
1 Year Ago
Slightly increase random movement area range in combat state
1 Year Ago
Updated all main scientist AI designs to not always take cover when hit, now also includes a min health and a chance check. Fixed a bug in excavator scientist entity mem reference slot.
1 Year Ago
Added excavator and mil tunnel scientist prefabs to Spawn Lineup feature.
1 Year Ago
AIArena nametags now show the AI design filename too.
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
merge from aiarena_animal_control
1 Year Ago
compile fix
1 Year Ago
Can now control animal movement in AIArena - take control of an animal and left click to move it to the player's look position. Added Animalbrain.States.MoveToPoint to move to raycast position memory. Added Animal.ControlTest AI design, added it to all animals as second AI design.
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
Only display outline collider warning message if not found at all.
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
Added missing rack config for candy cane club
1 Year Ago
Setup custom render bounds for SMG.
1 Year Ago
Fix an accidental offset in mp5 world model prefab.
1 Year Ago
add ClientTurnSpeedOverride fore testing/debugging
1 Year Ago
Modify bear AI design so they never stop chasing or timeout in combat, to make it easier to test bears. For test branch only!
1 Year Ago
HideInInspector HipFudge to make it clear it is not currently used, but keep values.
1 Year Ago
Removed all the old LagyAss related code to eliminate it from animation appearance
1 Year Ago
merge from main