userAdam Woolridgecancel

10,922 Commits over 3,377 Days - 0.13cph!

8 Months Ago
merge from island_load
8 Months Ago
merge from merge branch
8 Months Ago
Restored create or resume tutorial process functionality.
8 Months Ago
More WIP and a tricky merge.
8 Months Ago
Players can't place things in the supply box
8 Months Ago
Build navmesh for islands loaded from a save
8 Months Ago
debug for testing
8 Months Ago
more wip
8 Months Ago
very WIP island loading
8 Months Ago
Merge from bounds
8 Months Ago
Compile fix
8 Months Ago
Generate island locations during bootstrap, before spawn handling. DensitySpawnPopulation can now filter out island areas. Flag junkpiles_water to not spawn in outer tutorial bounds.
8 Months Ago
Calculate and save the world bounds, minus the outer area used for tutorial islands, during island spawn position generation.
8 Months Ago
merge from island_timeout. Plastic merge this merge way harder than it needed to be for some reason, but it should all be good.
8 Months Ago
Serialize island timeout. Protobuf gen.
8 Months Ago
WIP island timeouts. Players have 15 minutes to reconnect before their tutorial island is returned and tutorial is cancelled. Reduce this time to 5 minutes if we're low on available islands. Added an island tick.
8 Months Ago
Don't allow the tech tree to be opened and make the button not interactable.
8 Months Ago
Don't allow contacts window to be opened if in the tutorial. Hide UI button for contacts if in the tutorial.
8 Months Ago
Bass, cowbell, flute, guitar, jerry can guitar, tambourine, trumpet setup for weapon racks.
8 Months Ago
Merge from beltbar_text
8 Months Ago
Added ConVar.UI.showBeltBarBinds, defaults to false. Starting the tutorial defaults it to true.
8 Months Ago
Display actual keybind buttons bound for belt bar slots instead of just 1-6. Added Input.OnKeybindChanged event, called whenever a bind is changed. Belt buttons listen to keybind change event and update as required.
8 Months Ago
Show keybind text for belt bar buttons
8 Months Ago
Added OnTutorialEnded RPC to player, ready to be called in the future. Clear local time override when tutorial ends/aborts for player.
8 Months Ago
Merge from island_spawning
8 Months Ago
Track which spawn location an island takes. Added a Return() function ready to call when we start returning/destroying tutorial islands. Free up the spawn location again when an island is done with.
8 Months Ago
Take a valid island position from the list each time we create an island. Doesn't re-use/release yet.
8 Months Ago
wip / testing
8 Months Ago
Convert to static class, get rid of gizmo debugging stuff.
8 Months Ago
Initial FillEdges implementation for getting valid islands along the map boundary edges with no overlaps. Support for loops.
8 Months Ago
Merge from usekey
8 Months Ago
Added OnTutorialStarted client RPC for setting any clientside tutorial defaults. Called when a player is spawned on the tutorial island. Set ui.ShowUseBind to true as a tutorial default.
8 Months Ago
Added ui.ShowuseBind convar to toggle behaviour. Defaults to false.
8 Months Ago
Show use keybind on interaction/use prompts
8 Months Ago
General tutorial server compile fixes
8 Months Ago
Fix client compile error in TimeChange
8 Months Ago
merge from time_progression
8 Months Ago
Added TimeChange to handle changing local time for a player. Added OnStartTimeChange to tutorial island to set the time to 9am on tutorial start. Missions can now set or advance time on start and/or completion. Set tutorial missions to advance the time by 30 minutes each on completion.
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Block chat messages FROM players in tutorial too
8 Months Ago
Hide chat messages except for server messages when in the tutorial. Added Chat.hideChatInTutorial replicated convar to toggle this behaviour.
8 Months Ago
Revert the accidental world model scale changes to paddle, pitchfork, wooden spear, stone spear. Keep the actual weapon rack scale override configs.
8 Months Ago
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8 Months Ago
Allow requesting of IOEntity additional data if looking at the parent of a child IO entity.
8 Months Ago
▅▊█▋▍▄ █▆▆█▄▌▇ ▄▇▌▆▆▄ ▋▋▄ ▄▅▌▋▄▄ ▉█▇ ███▇▆ ▋▊▇▄ ▌▍██▄▋ ▅█▊▋▋▉ ▆▄ ▇▅▉▆▍▆▍ █▊▋▄▉█ ▍ ▋▄▄▊▌▄▌
8 Months Ago
Fix HAB armor icon and text
8 Months Ago
Pooling fix for weapon rack lights
8 Months Ago
Add a prhase to fix load ammo text display
8 Months Ago
NRE fix for mounted input running on non-players
8 Months Ago
Ran autoset script on homing missile launcher to set dimensions and grid size. Removed pegs for now as neither peg is large enough.