5,048 Commits over 2,039 Days - 0.10cph!
Massively reduce snake bit slow duration.
Fix a merge issue causing double modifier modifications
ContentsDeepHash changes to make armor slot UI work again.
Initial setup of player modifier limits:
Removed junk test data.
Added radiation dart limits: max 5 applications via dart.
Default modifier counts for when no limits are specified.
Reduced size of sunflower worldmodel, slightly reduced collider size.
Rework dart effects vital UI
Set wooden dart damage to 30 per design doc.
Removed incorrect modifiers/scripts from wooden dart.
Incapacitate dart now requires snake venom for crafting
Added ping leeway to GetReactionTime calculation
Temporarily throw some venom (bread) to the ground on snake death, until corpse/ragdoll is setup.
Snake corpse.
Spawn corpse.
Added placeholder snake venom item
Reaction time and chance to reposition tweaks
Set snake population biome to jungle
Move interface from placeholder location to new file IReceivePlayerTickListener
Removed bone dart item and related setup.
Wood dart default ammo type.
Branching from previous twitch render branch commit (115881) and cherry picking main skin commits
115880 and
116543 so Jen can render skins while issue is investigated. (latest merge from main with spacially aware environment volumes broke rendering)
Set correct source item for orchid, rose and sunflower entities so they show the correct icons.
Chicken food consumable information UI NRE fix