5,048 Commits over 2,039 Days - 0.10cph!
Merge from aiz_log_removal
Remove "AIInformationZone performing complete refresh, please wait..." log
Merge from armor_insert_techtree_ui
Added armor insert information display to tech tree UI
Merge from armor_insert_crafting_screen_ui
Crafting screen armor insert information display
Merge from temperature_teas
Added custom buff tooltip text for temperature tea effects.
Merge from temperature_teas
Remove old (now null) teas from cooking workbench visuals to fix NRE when mixing
Item names, manifest file.
Delete now unused recipes.
Remove unused recipes from recipe lists.
Assigned new tea recipes.
Added final teas to recipe lists.
Deleted min/max temperature tea items.
Deleted regular/advanced/pure tea items.
Renamed combined teas to Cooling/Warming.
Merge from mfm3. Bringing branch up to date with main and all the related merge fixes.
Merge from parent/merge_from_blowpipe
Merge from blowipe (lots of folder changes so merging here first to be safe)
Fix blowpipe expecting catapult boulder ammo after merge.
Bunch of dart data fixes after merge .
Adding a branch with texture streaming enabled by default in all preset levels in case we want it.
Orchid, rose, sunflower, wheat placement meshes.
Lens dirt, motion blur and sun shafts tooltips
Added graphics settings ooltips for any that were missing.
Fix placeholder temperature tea enum/values that look to have been badly merged at some point
Merge from crafting_update
Fix for pie visual config not being applied when first person spectating/demos.
Merge from graphics_settings_changes:
Adds LOD Bias slider.
Adds LOD bias to all presets.
Removed shadow projection option (forced to StableFit now).
Adds support for float values in presets.
Exported default graphics config again to include new lodbias and remove shadow projection (and associated convar).
wip float support for preset values
Added shadowProjection to mandatory defaults, set to Stable fit.
Remove option to change to close fit, removed convar.
Merge from crafting_update
Orchid, rose, sunflower clone seeds.
Orchid, rose, sunflower item icons.
Added and assigned orchid, rose, sunflower seed icons
Armor inserts now have material appropriate sounds.
Fix plantpot soil renderer pointing to an asset in the project not the prefab.
Rotated all pie projectile visuals 90 degrees
Remove armor slots from burlap shirt.
Remove armor slots from hide pants (old test data)