5,048 Commits over 2,039 Days - 0.10cph!
Explicity set wood and metal insert protection properties
Fixed armor insert icon alignment
Bumped all pie calories from 30->150
Show consumable info panel for pies
Merge from crafting_update
Deleted all the commented out graphics quality settings I initially exposed incase we wanted/needed them but ultimately became redundant.
No functionality change, removing commented out code only.
Remove some debug log spam.
Merge from vendingmachine_sellorder_slots_fix (UI.SellOrder.prefab)
Vending machine sell orders now also correctly show number of slots when an item has slots but no contents...
...meaning vending machine sell orders now correctly show number of armor slots even when empty.
Fix UI.SellOrder referencing the same item inventory slot twice so that the incorrect numhber of slots show.
Refactor copyto armor slot copying because it was getting silly
copyto fix for worn backpacks containing an item with armor slots and inserts
Merge from crafting_update
Changed tint renderer to list on FoodVisualConfig.
Populated the lists for pie entity and world model prefabs. Tint all the LODs.
Added a new bear pie projectile and material, set correct colour.
Updated all pie projectile materials to use the new pie colours.
Armor info panel UI changes so that everything can fit with ownership. Also fixes protection area text varying above/below slots.
Fix armour slot issue when reskinning certain items, which only showed up after item ownership merge (my bug - worked before the merge by luck)
Deleted unused leather insert item
Applied new colours to all pie entity, view and world model configs.
Merge from cookingv2/food_events
Tweaks. More debug log removal.
setup for hiding/showing third person pie models at correct times
Additional server-side pie consume check.
Pie entity bounds fix.
Wheat collectable layer fix
Fixed Wheat collectable using corn model
RecipeLists can now reference other recipe lists and include their recipes.
Refactored all recipe related code to use the new combined recipe list.
copyto now correctly recreates and copies armor slots and inserts for belt items too (mostly to stop the NRE)
Remove eat sound effect from pie items and move to animation event.
Applied IsArmor flag to all armor slot container mods.
Fix for more consistent item swapping
Fix some deployment issues with single plant pot
Merge from crafting_update
Resetstate now clears all player modifiers
Fix plant pots gibbing when harvesting plants.