userAlex Webstercancel

1,516 Commits over 3,623 Days - 0.02cph!

1 Year Ago
.entity positional updates
1 Year Ago
reverted selected holdtype override controllers to current versions on main, re-added current player animator & renamed experimental controller
1 Year Ago
update to slide back anim mask settings
1 Year Ago
Attack heli - Added blur blade bones, meshes and materials - Added turbofan bone - Updated blades to use correct material in prefab
1 Year Ago
Fix for dryfire sound looping on p17 & SAP
1 Year Ago
fix for floating bullet issue while in ADS
1 Year Ago
ice throne - player anim update
1 Year Ago
vm wrench pipe fixes
1 Year Ago
pipe wrench vm tweaks, renderer fixes, setup 3p holdtype
1 Year Ago
pipe wrench viewmodel - base file, anims, controller, updated vm prefab to use new files
1 Year Ago
▌▋▇▋▍ █▇▅▅▍▄▍▇ ▅▆▊▍▍▉ ▊▍▆▇ ▅▄▇ ▊█▄█ ▅▋▊▊▍▄▍ ▋▄ ▊▊▆ ▄█▌▉▅▇, █▄▅▄█ ▅▆ ▉▇▅▊▉▌▌▅, ▊▋▇▇▋ ▆▆▋▆▌ ▌▄▊▅▍▆▉▆ ▇▄▍▇
1 Year Ago
SAP - mask edits to fire anims, updated base file with bullet now skinned, updated slide pose with bullet hidden
1 Year Ago
updated m92 slide pose, updates to controller
1 Year Ago
slide state changes for p17, SAP, and m92 (wip)
1 Year Ago
vm python - hammer is now in forward position by default
1 Year Ago
dog animator updates
1 Year Ago
vm m92 - fix for vertical sway in ADS
1 Year Ago
dog idles and panting anim
1 Year Ago
▉▆▇▄▍ ▇▊▄ ▋▆▋ █▊▋▊▊▇ ▅▅▍ & ▊▅▅ ▅▇▋▌▋▅ ▅▇▊▉▊▇▉▇ ▅▌▇▇▅▄ ▊▉▄▋▌▉
1 Year Ago
██▆ - ▄▅▊▌▊▄▍▇▅ ▊▆▆▋▄█▋
1 Year Ago
▊▄▍ - ▆▋▊█▉▄ ▅▋▅▊ ▊▌▋▉▊ ▍▆▇▉ ▋▍▉▅█▇
1 Year Ago
▍█▊ - ▆▊▌█▄▍ ▌▅▅ ▉▍▉▅▌▄ ▊▋▅▇▆ ▋▊█ ▋▋▋▄▋
1 Year Ago
█▅▊ █▊▉▋▇█▉▊▉ ▉▉█ ▄▋█▅▋▋▉▉ ▆▉▉▋▅ ▄▅█▊▆█▉
1 Year Ago
▌▆▇ - ▉▅▊▉▆▊▆ ▅▄▉▆▄▅ ▊▍▅▇▌▄▊▅▉▉ █▋▅▍ ▄▅▆▊ █▄▆▅ ▄▆▋▅▊▄ █▍▉ ▋▍▆▍▋▋▇▋ ▌▊▅▍ ▉▅▌▄▊▅
1 Year Ago
▄▌▌ - ▇▇▉▌▊▋▊ ▄▇▆█▉▋ ▇▊▋▉▌▇▄▍▅ ▍▉█▍ ▌▉▆▅ ▇▆█▌ ▍▉▋▅▄▄ ▇▉▋ █▉▉▆▆▍▌▆ ▋▊▋▍ ▆█▍▇▋▍
1 Year Ago
▉██ - ▊█▇▄▊ ▄▉▌▅▅▄▅▍▄▄ ▅▄▍▍▇▆▍▋▊▌ ▍▅ ██▇ ▋▉█▉▍▋
1 Year Ago
▌▌▍█▋▇▆▆▊ ▍▋ - ▌▉▌▇▇ ▇▉▆ ▋▆▊██▄▇▆ █▋ ▉▊▉▅▇▌
1 Year Ago
▋▋▅▉▍▌█▆▅ █▋ - ▋▋▌▉▌ ▊▄▅▅▊▊ ▋▄▊▌▌▍▊▇
1 Year Ago
▇█▉▋▋▅▇▅▍ ▌▉ - ▊█ █▍▊▄▍
1 Year Ago
▋▌▄▋▄▋▇ ▇▉ ▄█▋▍▍ ▄▌█▉▉ ▌▅ ▊▌▅▍▋▇ ▊▄▄▉▋▆▋▉▍▆██▆, ▆▋▄▋▆▇▅▋ ▊▅▅▇▇▊▍▄ ▄▍ ▋▆█▋▆█ ▉▊█▅ ▇▄▊▄▄▆▊█
1 Year Ago
█▋▆ - ▋▋█▄▆▌▌▅▋▇ ▊▆▅▉▌, ▅█▇▆█▆▉▋▆▍ ▅▋▇▄▊█ ▊▇▊▍▄▇█
1 Year Ago
▍█▊ - ▍▉▋ ▄▆▊▆▌▋ ▍▆▊▌▄▊▊
1 Year Ago
▍▆▍ ▄▋ - ▆▆▆▅▋ ▍▊▅▅▌▇▇▅▉ ▍█▌▋▉█▊▇ ▇▄▄▆▆▋▌▄, █▇▍▆▌▉▋ █▊▆▊▌▅▄█ ▄▄ ▅▆▋ ▄▉ ▇▊▅▍
1 Year Ago
▅▇▇█▉ ▅▆▅█▄█▋ ▉▊▆▊▉ ▌█▊▄▋ ▉▇▋ & █▆▄▉
1 Year Ago
█▉█▍▄▌▌ ▄▋▍▇▇ ▍▍▆▍▍ ▆▊▄▄▇█ ▌▌▅██▆ ▄▇▌▇
1 Year Ago
▍▄█▄█ ▋█▍▄▅ - ▋▊▌▉▆ ▆▉▌▋▍ ▋▅▊▇▍ ▅▇▄ ▍▋ ▉▇▅█▌ ▋▍▊▋▋▍ ▇▉ ▉█▌▇▇▋▌▇▌ ▌▄▄▋▇▄ ▄▆▇ █▄▇▊▇█▇
1 Year Ago
▇▋▋▌▍▌▄ █▍▋▄▌ ▅▄▉▊▅ ▆▋▉▊ ▍█▄▌ ███▊ ▍▅▅▋█ █▊▅▍▊▅ ▅▄▄█▍▄▍
1 Year Ago
added attack anims
1 Year Ago
▍███▍ ▍▊▊▇▆ - ▅▆▌▄▄ ▇▉▋▄▌, ▇▄▍▍▋▍▍▍▇, ▍▉▄█▄▇▄▅, ▊▊▌▌█▌▊ ▊▌█▉▉▊, ▌▉▍ ▅▌▍█▉▋▄ ▍▊▇▇▊▄▌▌▊ ▍▅▌▄▅▄
1 Year Ago
added protect anim & clips
1 Year Ago
Split up horse idle into separate anims (to reduce repetitiveness), added more variants & updated animator
1 Year Ago
added effects folders for lumberjack tools, pointed anim events scripts on vm prefabs to new paths
1 Year Ago
controller updates
1 Year Ago
▉▍▍▍▆▊▊ ▌█▊██▉ ▇▋▇▊▇▇█▆▍ ▌▋ █▄▄▍▊█▉
1 Year Ago
▇▊▇ ▆▉▊▄▋█▊▉▆▄ ▅▅▇▇▇▅▇ ▅▄ ▉▍▊ ▌▅▍ █▄▊█▌▋ ▊▅▊▋█▊▆▆
1 Year Ago
▅▍▇▆▊▌▆▆▇ █▆ - █▇-▍▄▋█ .▍▆▉▋▍▍ ██ ▊ ▋▉▆ ██▋▊▍▄ ▊▇▆▌▌▍▄
1 Year Ago
▍▄▅▌▍▌▍▉ ▊▊ ▉▉▉ ▄▋▇█▅▄ ▉▍▋▌ ▌▋ ▅█▋ █▊▉█▋▍▉▉ ▋▅ █▇▊▍▆▄▄▇▅ ▉▌
1 Year Ago
▌▌▇▍▅▇▅▉▅ ▅▊ - █▌▄▍▍ ▋▊▍ ▍█▋▅█▇▉▄▇▇█
1 Year Ago
▆▆▅▇█▊██▍ ▉█ - ▅▍█▋▊▌▉ ▆▌▍▇▋▇ ▌▌▊▅▅█ █▉▋▆ ▄▆▍ ▊▆▆ ▉▊▄▊▆ - ▍▍▅ ▌▍ ▍▌▅▊▌▍█▋ ▉▉▍▆▇█ ▄▍█▋█▉▋▅ ▆▍ ▇▇▇ ▄▅▌▌▉▇▆▉▊ ▇▄█▅▋▅ ▄▊▇▆▆▉ - ▉▆▉▆▊▇ ▅▌▉▅▇▉ ▉▇▉▋▋▇▍
1 Year Ago
▊▇▋ ▅▉▊▍ ▌▆ ▉█▍▊▄▆▇▌▊▊ ▅▇▄ ▋▆█ ▋▄▇▌▍▇▉▉▌▌ ▅▆▍▄▇ ▊▆▊▍▅▆▊▊▊ ▇▍▍▅▇▋▉▊ ▉▊▌▉▉ ▍▆▅ ▍█ ▋▅▅▅▍▊▇█ ▄▇▋▄▆▄▇