userAlex Webstercancel

2,822 Commits over 3,897 Days - 0.03cph!

11 Months Ago
fixed holster offset issue
11 Months Ago
3p anim and override controller updates
11 Months Ago
setup for viewmodel script (off by default for now as test sphere's for visual feedback don't work with it)
11 Months Ago
viewmodel prefab updates, skinned wires & updated base model, added admire anim
11 Months Ago
3p anim updates
11 Months Ago
override update
11 Months Ago
stopped vm casting shadows
11 Months Ago
3p folder changes
11 Months Ago
added 3p anims & updated override controller
11 Months Ago
fix 2
11 Months Ago
speargun entity offset fix
11 Months Ago
3p anim and override controller updates
11 Months Ago
3p anim wip
12 Months Ago
viewmodel prefab cleanup (and naming)
12 Months Ago
vm anim & animator updates
12 Months Ago
updated anims, skinning & anim controller
12 Months Ago
anim updates, transitions, animation controller setup
12 Months Ago
removed exit time when going into scan
12 Months Ago
added scan close clip, set up blendtree in animator to go between scan far and scan close, hooked up to use scanBlend param
12 Months Ago
Metal detector - prefab updates - vm setup -vm placeholder anims - updated models and materials - animator - 3p placeholder anims - override controller - worldmodel prefab setup
1 Year Ago
w_bow - set up avatar mask to cull root bone, updated .entity to remove offsets, re-exported 3p anims with updated player rig
1 Year Ago
w_waterbucket - fixed scaling issues on model & connecting prefabs (so 3p anims can be created with logical scaling/positioning)
1 Year Ago
Added placeholder shovel vm & prefab folder structure
1 Year Ago
updated player prefab & skeleton asset to use new rust player avatar
1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
ak47 - locomotion anims with reduced spine movement, applied to override controller
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
vm_boneknife & stake throw release fix
1 Year Ago
updated ak entity, selected bone masks for w_ak anims
1 Year Ago
added new masks & test animator (with individual layers & masks for each upper body part)
1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
3p smg - eject shell fx - added firing anim & added to animator
1 Year Ago
m4 3p - updated anims to reduce stock clipping into the body
1 Year Ago
m4 fixes - set vm anims to use spas12 avatar, updated dryfire anim, setup dryfire sounds
1 Year Ago
m4 3p - updated chamber anim to be more visible
1 Year Ago
m4 - fixed lootspawn asset naming mismatch
1 Year Ago
spas12 and mp4 3p - set up eject shell anims, setup unique weapon anims to fix offset chamber when playing anims
1 Year Ago
m4 viewmodel - added effects for shell eject
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
vm legacy bow - fix for missing sounds (hopefully)
1 Year Ago
Legacy bow - updated anims and ironsights so it fires like the regular hunting bow
1 Year Ago
hatchet entity - removed offsets, set to use prop bone instead of hand
1 Year Ago
melee holdtype - set new player mask
1 Year Ago
added new player loadout
1 Year Ago
legacy bow no sound fix
1 Year Ago
deleted unrequired model prefabs
1 Year Ago
item update, worldmodel prefab fixes
1 Year Ago
w_revolver reload - removed root bone in mask
1 Year Ago
set 3p rifle anims to use new avatar mask
1 Year Ago
added ik target to revolver.entity