30,783 Commits over 3,867 Days - 0.33cph!
merge of roads and railroads progress from pre-release
Disabled projectile penetration on players (for better damage predictability, related to 12922)
Touched speedtree shaders; also using rust/standard brdf
Switched to analytic preintegrated skin/sss brdf approximation; added curvature; fixed subsurface normal not getting detail layer; tweaked materials
Moverd skin shader back into deferred path (had to remove fuzz)
Touched all shaders using rust/standard brdf
Simplified player colour skin lut
SSR early out on occluded water pixel
semi auto clipsize changed to 16
bullet speed reduced
damage slightly increased (roughly 25 per shot)
semi auto rifle does less damage but bullets move faster
player uses updated skeleton, more even damage scalars
Semi_Auto Rifle : shortened the blend time between reload --> idle ( fixing the weirdness that occurs when player goes into ADS after reloading)
Implemented goosey's silencer model
Implemented goosey's holosight model
Fixed issue that could force LOD0 to always be visible
Dummy LODBatch script (to fix warnings without messing with Vince's changes)
Fixed error spam on connect
Fixed seams in foam noise texture
More foam options; parity
Updated water and river materials
Water specular and smoothness control (doesn't affect SSR)
Added dithering to water atmospheric scattering calcs; solves scattering mismatch closer to the horizon
Tweaked/fixed water border rings
Command line -connect test
Print command line during bootstrap
Removed some un-needed errors
Don't receive voice chat when dead
Large water catcher is researchable
Fixed using blueprints as ammo
Fixed invisible collectables (placeholder models)
Fixed skin ambient lighting
Water2 parity changes from before; improved distant fog
fixed semi auto rifle ironsight offset
updated loot tables
updated icon for semi auto rifle
Fixed rock particles from colliding with player collider
Fixed missing textures on key lock
Moved secret debug keys to console commands (lookingat, noclip. debugcamera, drawcolliders)
Holmzy's Law: When admins give items, announce it to the whole server in chat
Updated crash reporter URL
PrefabPrepare - check for nulls
fixed orientation problems with the wakeup animation
setup the worldmodel for the semi_auto rifle