2,555 Commits over 517 Days - 0.21cph!
Added ability to bypass consume on throw
- Double max rotation speed
- Remove unneeded logs
Stop vending machines from showing rope as '0 ft'
inventory_order_radprotection_fix -> main
Fixed inventory radiation protection amount moving up/down depending on order of items in armour slots
furnace_heat_icon_fix -> main
Proper fix. Calll same on item checks as base oven
Add an extra check to items removed from the electric furnace. Should help prevent a bug where the item retain the cooking icon
beehive_debug_log -> main
Remove 'opened' debug log
crossbow_arrow_fix -> main
Fix arrow effects not turning back on after network load
Add save/load client methods to mini crossbow/bow/crossbow
This lets us reload the arrow effects on relog/network load
Restore crossbow_arrow_fix
rug_deployment_fix -> main
Fixed new rug placement allowing placement on top of ladder hatches, landmines etc
crossbow_arrow_fix -> main
- Crossbow Weapon script dynamically enables/disables arrow renderer since the animator isnt handling it (same solution as MiniCrossbow)
- Added Mesh Cull for the arrow
Correct arrowhead now turns on when Crossbow is placed into turret
seismic_sensor_radiusvolume -> main
Visualise seismic sensor range when placing
Beehive Nuceli can now be composted
Allow Bota Bag in Fridge
Allow Honeycomb in Fridge
shelter_icon_scale -> main
Make Legacy Shelter icon a more sensible size
Automatically play a gesture when throwing the boomerang (temporarily a wave for now)
-Stop gesture if projectile hits something
rug_deployment_fix -> main
Allow rugs to be placed underneath already placed deployables.
Can now also be placed under peoples feet
- Boomerang can now be caught by the player who threw it in the first place
- Cache creator player
- Hitmaterial now uses collider shared material
- Improved reliabiliy of impact effects happening
- Server projectile version scales damage properly
- Logs
- Play projectile effects even if you only hit the terrain
- Fixed NRE on terrain hit
- Remove unneeded logs
Boomerang now sticks into whatever it hits, creating a pickupable world object like any other projectile
lerp direction changes rather than straight setting
Tweaked boomerang return arc
Fixed look rotation zero error on server projectiles
spacedetected_log_fix -> main
- Completely deterministic arc generation
- Radius variable
- Manually set projectile velocity (not the best idea)
Try bezier curves rather than fake physics and a dream