userJarryd Campicancel

13,600 Commits over 2,710 Days - 0.21cph!

8 Months Ago
Reuse old p17 empty state logic for sks viewmodel Use events to turn on the shell in the magazine based Build manifest so the gun works after loading/saving
8 Months Ago
Fixed DeferredExtension command buffer allocating 62b of garbage every frame
8 Months Ago
First pass on new UI layout for conversations and mission acceptance
8 Months Ago
S2P compound and bandit town
8 Months Ago
Remove the inventory slots on the static workbench variants, prevents players accidentally transferring scrap from their inventory into hidden inventory slots when right clicking scrap
8 Months Ago
█▋▉▍▊ ▅▄▋▋ █▉▋█▆ ▍▆▍▍▉▄▄█▌▋▌ ▋▉▍ ▄▊▋▊▄▆▊ ▋█▉▋▇ ▆█ ▄█ ▋▋▉▉█▄▉▊ ▋▆ ▅▍▍▋▄ ▌▊▄▊▄▊▌▋▅ ▊▆▌█▅▆ ▌▉ ▇█▍ ▄▆▄█▄▄ ▅▍▋▄ ▊▌ ▋█▌▋ ▅▋▍▋▍▄▇ ▍▆▆▅█▉▇▉ ▊▉▋▄ ▊▉▉▊ ▍█ ▍▍ ▅▍▇▅▍▇█▋
8 Months Ago
Adjusted minimum font size on tutorial popup
8 Months Ago
FIxed state where tutorial button in menu would show as not usable when it should be usable
8 Months Ago
Added a new QuickMove path for Industrial conveyors, bypasses having to create a SplitItem (and the associated GC) Should also reduce general item churn issues as the most common conveyor scenario (moving some items from one stack to another) will no longer involve making a new item Should be no gameplay difference
8 Months Ago
Added a metal detector mission objective
8 Months Ago
Match import fbx offsets exactly
8 Months Ago
First pass on dedicated vm animator handling script for sks Uses new IViewmodelComponent interface, will probably come in handy in the future
8 Months Ago
Marked ScaleBySpeed as IClientComponent, fixes it running pointlessly on the server as it's only used for visual effects (0.15ms a frame in recent profiler snapshot!) Cleaned up RealmedRemove components on SImpleShark and boogieboard.deployed, all other instances of ScaleBySpeed were correctly being removed on the server Marked TriggerPlayerTimer as IServerComponent, it's only used on the boogie board server side
8 Months Ago
Merge from mission_improvements_may_24
8 Months Ago
Fixed escape key not working anywhere
8 Months Ago
▌▅▌█▅▋ ▇▌▊ ▋▇▉ ▇▅▄▉▉▅█▆ ▌▋██▉▋ ▇▇▇ - ▌▍▍▋▉▇▍ █▌▌ █▍▇▅▋▅▌▇ ▍▆▄▆ ▇▋ ▄▊▄▊ ▇▌ ▇▇▄ █▋▋█▋▌▋▅ ▄▊▇▍▆█▉ ▋▇▋██▄ ▇▊ ▊▅ ▋ ▌▆▆▄▍█▄▍▍▇▄▋▄▉▆▅▍▉▄ ▌▋ ▅▉▍▄▅▍ ▍▄'▅▅ ▄▆▄▍ ▉▍▄▋▌▌▆ ▉▅▋▊▊▍▅▌ ▇▅▉▇▍▊▋▆▄▋▉ ▄▍▋▆▍█▍▉ ▊▆▍▋▅▍█ ▊▇▆ ▇█▍▌ ▅▌▍█▍▅▇▋▊ - ▄▍ ▇▋▇ ▌▍▌▆▊██▊ █▇██ █▄█ ▄▊▇▉ ▆▌ ▍▆██▌▆▍ ▉▌▋ ▌▅▅▋▇█▅▋ ▉▇█ ▇▊▄▉▊▆ ▇▉▇▊ ▌█▉▌▊▇▋ ▌▅▉▅▉▉▊▆▆▆▄ ▊▉▉▍▍▇ ▉▊ ▇▍ ▅ ▍▉▍▉▅▄
8 Months Ago
Fixed reload option when selecting a minigun in the inventory not translating properly
8 Months Ago
Adjust prompt on minigun reload tip to mention workbench lvl 2/3
8 Months Ago
Award tutorial gun achievement when opening the rate rather than via physics trigger, should be more reliable?
8 Months Ago
S2P both stables and fishing villages
8 Months Ago
More map marker size adjustments
8 Months Ago
Don't allow missions to end if the player doesn't have enough slots in their inventory for all of the rewards (includes any applicable bonus rewards) Show an error toast in this case Toasts can now appear while the player is in a conversation
8 Months Ago
Shrink vending machine clusters that are too close to mission marker clusters
8 Months Ago
Conversation screen can now be closed with escape
8 Months Ago
Added a map marker for mission providers, displays how many missions are currently available from that provider for the local player
8 Months Ago
Added an automated error checker for conversations, looks for legacy conversation features and can automatically update them to the new system eg. converts a conversation node with a custom action "assignmission lumberjack" to the new AssignMission action with a proper reference to the lumberjack mission Updated all converations
8 Months Ago
Fixed dialogue graph nre when domain reloading Dialogue graph now persists through domain reloads Dialogue graph now zooms to fit all nodes whens opening
8 Months Ago
Mission editor now detects missing accept/failed/victory effects and shows appropriate warnings Also added some buttons to automatically assign the default effects
8 Months Ago
█▄▋▌▇▅▌▊, ▉▊▆▋█ ▄▌▇▍█ ▉▅▋ ▋▉█ ▅▊▆ ▊▄█▌▍▅▌/▇▇▊▉▊ ▇▉▍█▋▆█▆ ▇▍▄▌▉▋█ █▋█▇▊ ▋▌▆ ▉▄▋▆▊▊ ▊▉ ▊▇▋ ▆▉▌▆▌▆ ▊▇'▍▊ ▄▊▆▆▊█▊▌ ▇▍ ▍█▇▇ █▍▍▌▊ ▊▇▇▉▌█ ▌▉▉▊▅▍▇▍▉▉ ██▍▍▆▄ ▋▇█▋▌▅█▋, ▌▆ ▌▊'▆▇ ▋▄█▌ ▌▌▅▅ ▅▍ ▊█▌▌ ▄█▍▌ █▊▊ ▍▄▄▉▊▅ ▋▌▌▄▊▋▆▌ ▇▄▅ ▅▇▍ ▉▅█▅█▆▊▊▇▆▍▆▉▊▋▍▇▆▅
8 Months Ago
server.tutorialEnabled is now replicated The tutorial button in the main menu will no longer appear ift he player isn't conencted to a server with the tutorial enabled Once connected to a valid server the section in the options menu shows a button that will close the menu and prompt the player to start the tutorial, without needing to die Removed the text mentioning that a players sleeping bags will be destroyed when starting teh tutorial, this is no longer true
8 Months Ago
Set alpha cutoff to 0 on the tutorial island material, prevents alpha noise causing holes in the terrain in some map size/position combinations
8 Months Ago
Added TutorialIsland.OverrideTutorialLocation which allows us to change where a tutorial island will spawn to try and debug the terrain splat issues we're seeing Fixed renderers using MaterialConfig appearing as snow covered when on the tutorial island based
8 Months Ago
Display how much the minigun slows down the player in the gun information panel
8 Months Ago
Assigned the minigun a unique description
8 Months Ago
Dynamically update the item slots shown on the gun information panel, instead of always showing 4 slots
8 Months Ago
Fixed missing animator parameter warning when equipping a minigun Fixed exception when quickly switching between a weapon with a sight and the minigun
8 Months Ago
Don't show the current mission objectives on the map screen (they overlap with the markers UI) Add a section to the markers UI that shows the current missions, clicking on the mission entry will focus the map on the current misison objective marker
8 Months Ago
First pass on mission + conversation
8 Months Ago
8 Months Ago
Merge from mission_improvements_may_24
8 Months Ago
Add a UI panel listing all of the objectives and rewards for a mission when the player is about to accept a mission
8 Months Ago
Consolidated a bunch of localization strings, several mission objectives had descriptions with the same english text but different keys
8 Months Ago
Update lumberjack harvest wood description string to use a new localization key and adjusted text to not mention the required count (as we add that dynamically now)
8 Months Ago
Subtract 95838 - was meant to be on a sub branch
9 Months Ago
Scanner mission wip tests
9 Months Ago
Fix editor exceptions when loading BaseAiBrains in the editor More mission test setups
9 Months Ago
Fixed incorrect translation string on the final objective of the kill animals mission from the lumberjack
9 Months Ago
Fix exception when starting lumberjack mission Added a DebugWorldPosition component that allows us to test missions that use position generators without needing a proper proc gen Started making a Mission zoo scene that shows all mission providers with all of the stub content needed to actually run and test the misison, accessible via Scenes/Dev/Mission zoo toolbar option
9 Months Ago
Added ability for a mission to reward blueprints (tick isBp on the reward item entry)
9 Months Ago
Added the ability for a mission to not count towards the Mission Accomplished achievement Enabled this on the tutorial achievements