11,006 Commits over 1,950 Days - 0.24cph!
Remove the IK targets from the planner prefab on the server
Merge from offiicial_server_analytics
Change save process to only keep the delta stats in memory
Added server.statBackup that backs up any analytics to a file
Will only write the file to disk every 2 minutes
Creates one file per real-time day in an analytics folder in the server files
Backups will only be created if analytics are actually running (stats enabled, official server, etc)
Track a mission fail reason (timeout, disconnect, etc)
Add tracking for mission fails
Fixed NRE when spawning a world too small for the rail loop
Merge from death_screen_improvements
Added PrefabInformation to other scientist variants (they all share the same icon/translation)
Add peacekeeper and heavy to death screen options, added localization keys
Population density tweaks
Scale populations to map size
Run the engine population first in case it fills up the sidings
Add spawn population for train wagons, uses traincar.wagons_per_engine convar
Don't let trains spawn within 40m of start/end of siding
Spawn cars slightly above the spline so the bounds check passes (they get snapped to the spline anyway)
Remove bypass bounds check
Reapply population convars
New SpawnPopulation that overrides position to select from valid siding splines
S2P compound and water treatment
Merge from official_server_analytics
Merge from powerline_zipline/proc_gen_improvements
Merge from cui_improvements
Merge from powerline_zipline/proc_gen_improvements
Fixed prevent building volumes on ziplines not properly calculating in some cases
Fixed prevent building building volumes sometimes calculating incorrectly on the server
Fixed some loading and pooling issues with the arrival points
Merge from powerline_zipline/proc_gen_improvements
Fixed arrival points not saving
Merge pr 32 - Fix countdown not working
Can now add "needsKeyboard":"true" to an input field to make it block input only while the input field is focused
Merge from powerline_zipline/proc_gen_improvements
Reapply the arrival point entity that I subtracted in
69932, render the entire line and only spawn them if the line is over 100m long
Ziplines can now route through two mid points to reach their destination
Cherry pick
70074 for comparison
Add zipline dismount points to sewer branch and stables
Add chicken and polar bear icons
Scrap transport helicopter icon + translation
Added minicopter translation and icon
Fixed NRE when attempting to show an NPC icon with no icon assigned
Added zipline dismount points to lighthouse and dome
Force save after modifying achievement stats
Merge from april_22_optimisations
Change "allowUpdate" to just "update"
Add some more examples to the test rpc's