userJarryd Campicancel

9,626 Commits over 1,766 Days - 0.23cph!

5 Months Ago
Switched smelt frags step to a HaveItem objective, had to add a Can Reset toggle so it doesn't fail once the frags are used to craft the workbench
5 Months Ago
Removed old unused help infos
5 Months Ago
Added a popup prompt reminding player to close the door on the way out of their base
5 Months Ago
Fixed GenericSpawnPoint gizmo not appearing in the right place when in hierarchies
5 Months Ago
Fixed find scrap objective missing ping icon in missions HUD
5 Months Ago
Removed Think coroutine in MissionsHUD, I don't think it's necessary? (easy to revert if I'm wrong) Fixes missions hud popping out twice when the player receives a mission Slight optimisations to MIssionHud hide process that is called constantly during regular gameplay, now has no cost if the missions hud is already disabled
5 Months Ago
Fixed a few alt look issues
5 Months Ago
First pass on alt look support, added a new alt look at option to the single bone aim constraint with an alt look weight so we can blend nicely between alt looking and regular looking
5 Months Ago
Update Facepunch.BoneJobs, better runtime editing of values
5 Months Ago
5 Months Ago
Make steam item asset Can now create SteamInventoryItem via right click create menu in "Create/Rust/Skins" Moved ItemSkin into the above folder (for reference, create an ItemSkin when creating a skin for something, create a SteamInventoryItem for a generic inventory item)
5 Months Ago
Fixed animator states not being reset to default when disabling the animator, leading to drifitng bones after multiple uses (unity pls)
5 Months Ago
Hook up animators Swap LodGroups for RendererLOD Disable shadows on Lod2 and Lod3 Enable GPU instancing on new materials Add Decay components Adjust prevent building volume
5 Months Ago
Fixed christmas stockings not getting killed when the wall they are attached to is destroyed
5 Months Ago
Fix cooldown not running for correct time
5 Months Ago
Add some easing to the spine look at weight when looking up or down, leave hand weight untouched though Add a head look at constraint
5 Months Ago
▍▋▍ ▍█ ▄▆▌▌▍ ██▋ ▊█▇▊ ██▅ ▅▋▊██▆██▄, ▉▄█▄ ▅▍▄▆▋ ▍▊▌▆ ▊▊▍▋▍▄▆▆▉▇ ▍▍▄▅▄ (██▅▉▌ ▋▆▍▄▇▊ ▊█▅ ▍█ ▋▇▍ ▅▍█) ▊▆█▅▌▄▋ █▄▅▌▍ ▋▆ ▋▅▍█▇ ▋▍█ ▇█▌ ▅▊▌▅▊, ▄▄ ▄▍▌ ▍▄▊▍▅ ▅▉▇█ ▋█▇ ▊▋ ▉▇█▋ ▆▉▆▌ ▄▇▊ █▍▇ █▄▌▌▌ █▌▄▆█
5 Months Ago
Various hierarchy improvements, gib overrides, set up heavy scientist version
5 Months Ago
Deployable setup Add a Poke interaction, gives comfort in a radius for 15s
5 Months Ago
Added a hand look at constraint and adjusted the spine look weights down to match Applied a slight look at bump when in ADS to offset the height in held weapon (applied universally right now, might need to modify per weapon)
5 Months Ago
Stripped out rig controller into it's own prefab for easier merges Added per spine bone look at weights
5 Months Ago
Add animation rigging package (third times the charm) Add new Facepunch.BoneJobs plugin BoneJobs is a stripped down, simplified way of using Animation Rigging without having to use the cumbersome RigController (and espensive) rig handling system that the package depends on Currently only has a single component, the AimSpineComponent Instead of relying on a selection of loose rig controllers, this component does exactly what we need in a single place - adjust all of the spine bones to look at a given target with a variable rotation offset so we can account for 3/4 stance poses on a per weapon basis The advantage of still using the underlying tools in the Animation Rigging package is that the core math is really fast and runs in jobs so we can in theory move all of our IK and bone manipulation handling to threads It also has quite a bit of functionality we want and all of the math already done (quaternions are confusing), so next steps will be porting over some more components that we need
5 Months Ago
More work, still nothing working
5 Months Ago
Attempt 2 at implementing the animation rigging package
5 Months Ago
Merge from tutorial_island
5 Months Ago
Fixed crafting mission step not working if a player crafts an item with a redirect skin (eg. concrete pickaxe)
5 Months Ago
All access supplies mission stages are now mandatory
5 Months Ago
Remove reference to boat
5 Months Ago
Fixed craft button highlight not updating after crafting an item
5 Months Ago
Fixed opening full screen help info causing a soft lock in mission 2 Full screen help can now be closed with escape or by clicking the background
5 Months Ago
Merge from io_budget_health
5 Months Ago
ProcessInterferenceQueue null checks
5 Months Ago
Made a slight change to how we handle the spine offset vector that's declared on weapons Still not quite working the way we need it (particularly on the head bone), but it is an improvement
5 Months Ago
Merge from main
5 Months Ago
Manifest, code gen, protobuf
5 Months Ago
Merge from tutorial_island
5 Months Ago
Don't give seasonal items to player when starting on tutorial (party hat/snowballs/etc)
5 Months Ago
Refactors Set client weather when starting tutorial
5 Months Ago
Rip out the time changing methods, just hardcode time to a specific value for the duration of the tutorial
5 Months Ago
Player can no longer change quantities of item to be crafted until mid-way through tutorial
5 Months Ago
Fixed first mission help
5 Months Ago
Update UI prefabs
5 Months Ago
Removed any orphaned tutorial videos/images after latest changes
5 Months Ago
Converted the mission help assets into a selection of the help infos we pop up ont he side of the screen, these can be opened in a modal display by pressing the tutorial key or asking the NPC for help It just displays the contextual popups for each mission, so if a player wants to revisit something on their current mission they can
5 Months Ago
Merge from main
5 Months Ago
Fixed incorrect calculation when substituting components in repair costs, fixes some items being too cheap to repair
5 Months Ago
Run turret interference updates in a new hashset based queue that sorts interference updates from highest net id to lowest to ensure that interference is applied deterministically (newer turrets will always suffer from interference before older turrets) and hopefully doesn't overload the queue in the process
5 Months Ago
Fix leaking entity list in UpdateNearbyTurrets
5 Months Ago
Added an indicator to the item icon if a weapon has a burst attachment and that attachment is enabled (similar to flashlight attachment)
5 Months Ago
Added a timeout to the fishing bobber in case it gets orphaned from the fishing rod for whatever reason