userJarryd Campicancel

11,949 Commits over 2,496 Days - 0.20cph!

11 Months Ago
Merge from ferry_terminal
11 Months Ago
Merge from diversuit
11 Months Ago
Fixed misassigned bones on new viewmodels
11 Months Ago
Skin icon
11 Months Ago
Added support for a LOD4 in wearables, uses a different LOD arrangement
11 Months Ago
Made a new RHIB driver mount prefab to ensure anything else using the prefab is unaffected RHIB driver hands now follow wheel as it rotates Added a steering wheel range multiplier to prevent how much the steering wheel rotates by in order to prevent distorted shoulders (visual only, actual boat turning range is unchanged) Update RHIB driver eye position to better match actual player eye position RHIB driver now uses first person with arms perspective so that we see the arm Ik from first person
11 Months Ago
Disable write defaults on new turn on/off animator states, fixes foot jitter
11 Months Ago
Fixed diver torch animation transitions (set to 0 transition speed as the override changes immediately)
11 Months Ago
Fixed deployed boom boxes failing to reconnect to a valid station after an unsuccesful reconnection attempt
11 Months Ago
Stop the push interact option appearing while a player is on board the tugboat (this makes pushing impossible as being on the outside is now considered too far to push, will likely need revision)
11 Months Ago
Updated sleeping bag behaviour to request updated map positions if a bag is parented to a moving object, not just if it's a camper Largely untested, needs more deployable work to verify
11 Months Ago
Animated building blocks no longer modify batching if they are parented to a vehicle (fixes door batching issues after opening/closing)
11 Months Ago
Doors now properly parent to tugboat and the entity follows as expected, even if visual renderers do not
11 Months Ago
Made the RHIB driver mount point use the SledDriver script, exposes hand IK options
11 Months Ago
Recache the others just in case
11 Months Ago
Enabled viewmodel renderer on all new entities Adding missing renderer components to all torch renderers Recached rifle renderers
11 Months Ago
Delete orphaned folder
11 Months Ago
Fix torch missing redirect
11 Months Ago
Remove some logging Suit item setup, moved current suit assets into standard folder Use instruments dlc check for unlock (temp, for testing)
11 Months Ago
Remove duplicated drop mag event Fixed hide events not specifying full transform path Added new meshes to LOD group
11 Months Ago
Fixed incorrect effect folder path
11 Months Ago
Remove old rifle entity
11 Months Ago
Fixed a mesh light on the tugboat not marked as dynamic
11 Months Ago
Tuboat doors, 2 on top, one below
11 Months Ago
Pass the players model state as well as flags when evaluating which bone position data to pick Added climbing, ducking and swimming Fixed eye transform missing on new ragdoll, causing death cam to not move with ragdoll Adjusted eye transform slightly so that it doesn't clip through geometry as much (is still clipping a bit, needs some work)
11 Months Ago
11 Months Ago
Fix UI NRE when inserting a redirect skinned inner tube into a research bench
11 Months Ago
Add ability for the torch to have a turn on/off animation instead of just playing the deploy animation
11 Months Ago
▇▄▊▋█▅ ▍▉█▋█▊▉ █ ▉▇▍▍ ▇▇█▍▇ ▌▍█▊ ▋▌▆▆▊▉▅▊▅▉▋▊ █▋▋█ ▉▄▍▄▇▍▉▄▄▉, ▇██▊▌▌▍▉ ▅▋ ▅█▋▅█ ▌▇▋▆▇
11 Months Ago
▇█▆▇▉ █▄▉▅▄, ▍▄▆█▅▄▅ ▋▆▉▅█
11 Months Ago
▆▌▌▍▊▋▅/▉▍▆█▉▌█ ▋▌▆█ ▆▌▌▍▊
11 Months Ago
▋▉▅▋▅ ▌▋▄▌/▍▋▋▅ ▌▄▆▌▌
11 Months Ago
Match build options for old build process
11 Months Ago
Add ScriptableBuildPipeline package Implemented a new, custom BuildAssetBundles method that runs PreProcess on a new instance of each prefab, saves the modified prefab into the bundle under the original prefabs name and then destroys the modified prefab version after the build is complete without requiring an AssetDatabase import Backing this up because it will probably break my project if it goes wrong (it will definitely go wrong)
11 Months Ago
Possibly fixed feet IK rotation getting applied incorrectly after being forcibly dismounted from a vehicle (eg. crashing a minicopter)
11 Months Ago
Clothing r/w changes (all in one commit so I can revert it if needed)
11 Months Ago
Allow fbx's into server bundles if they have import legacy animation enabled (fixes car lifts not animating on server)
11 Months Ago
Increase water consumption of sprinklers to better match the water being consumed in liquid containers
11 Months Ago
Request updated camper positions for the map if a player has a camper in their respawn options every 30-45 seconds (it gets updated every 10s if a player is dead)
11 Months Ago
Merge from main
11 Months Ago
Merge from tooltip_cleanup
11 Months Ago
More layout change (what if we just.... didn't have a layout component)
11 Months Ago
11 Months Ago
Disable pooling on tooltips (not sure if it's the issue, but makes sense to rule it out)
11 Months Ago
Merge from main
11 Months Ago
Unsaved comment
11 Months Ago
Lower scale of non clustered sleeping bags on the map when the player is alive (0.7 to 0.55) Updated waypoint map marker sprite to be properly centred
11 Months Ago
Move team member map markers to render above sleeping bags
11 Months Ago
Use RustLayout on Tooltips, possibly fixes some strange tooltip layout issues some playing are seeing
11 Months Ago
Merge from main