116,431 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
added a 'dryfire' trigger to the firearms
Made ScenesToPrefabs check both the timestamp from editor preferences and the prefab file modify timestamp
Made SceneToPrefab prefab replacement a bit less hacky
Footsteps WIP / Ambience tweaks
env.time will change the time on the server
dryfire no longer interrupts attack animation last played
option for weapons not to aim while cycling (shotgun/bolt)
better timing for reloads on a few weapons
better sound for revolver
Merging reloading into main
network protocol++
Undoing change 5672 by paroxum, which changed the GUID in a bunch of meta files
fixed some missing references (causing invisible viewmodels)
ItemManager uses a dictionary to look up itemdefs
Projectile weapon, inbuilt magazine system
Play the dryfire sound without waiting for attackTime delay
fixed weird spear animations
Fix for player corpse not being harvestable
balance for animal corpse contents
Fixed some snowy forest bushes spawning on non-snow
Unified some painful to maintain duplicate rock prefabs (long overdue)
Widened shore topology to make roads avoid getting extremely close to water if not required (with vertex waves this will make sense anyhow)
Updated Satellite dish LODs to be inside FBXs, updated prefab scene
Merge into main, less viewmodel bob and more balanced gathering/tool damage (totally changed how this works internally)
fixed resource gathering, gather/damage amounts now specific to each weapon
Fixed build postprocessing error by doing random motions in the project panel http://i.imgur.com/lz7hOlC.gif
Starting reload experiment
Shutting up NFAA error; made it SM 3.0 only
Customizable name-based splat icon selection in terrain editor tool
Undoing AA shader removal because mainCamera is bitching
fixed some vertex weighting issues with the horse rig
Fixed server build not stripping client stuff
Deleting NFAA shader, to see what happens
Re-saving a bunch of stuff hoping to fix build error " unsupported data on target platform"
some animations for the horse (running / idle )
Updated atlas set; atlas gen changes; meta changes
Undoing what was supposed to be a shelve
Collect protection properties from clothes, scaled by condition
Added UA beta, removed GA