116,364 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Added Rust.Application.isQuitting
Fixed menu not hiding when creating game in editor
Fixed dialog not swallowing keys
Can escape out of dialogs
Redesigned sleeping bag dialog
Redesigned code lock dialog
Code lock dialog has beeps
Sleeping bag rename dialog selects input area, fills in current value
Fixed corner case properly following broader robustness testing
Added Prefab.LoadRandom
Added GameManager.CreatePrefab overloads that take a parent transform
Added RandomDecor class
Made all ICullable components get removed serverside
Moved mushroom prefabs to decor
Added randomized mushrooms to a certain tree prefab (test)
Fixed corner case in atmospheric blend; pending robustness testing
Forgot early exit if no spawnable component is present
Added spawnable component to loot barrel 2
Made spawn handler log an error if a prefab does not have a spawnable component
Unity keeps modifying this
Changed ParentRedirect to AIObstacleRedirect
Strip some unused components from trees if clientside
Reapplied changeset 5154 to UIScene
Split UI into pixel-perfect and scaled parts (required for FPS graph, testing for branding)
updated radiation to work somewhat properly
Fixed leather sleeping bag missing rename dialog
Fixed serverbrowser not working
Removed some unused files from the base project folder
Fixed net_env being disabled
Fixed atlas gen compilation warnings
Fixed base normal map sample in legacy terrain
Fixed RustBuild not always reporting build errors properly
Multi-threaded atlas generator
Merging UI Reboot into main
ui tweaks
fixed player preview with new light modes
made health/calories/hydration functional
fixed time using device time
Removed duplicated fields from terrain atlas set editor
Switched steering back to 3D.
Fixed AIObstacleMesh collision detection.
Fixed terrain splat apply to allow arbitrary texture sizes
Improved steering interest, danger, and obstacle intensities.
Scene updates to reflect SplatOverlay rename
Fixed warning in standard terrain shader gui
Added back base normal override along with vertical flip toggle (terrainpaint) for testing
Cleaned up legacy terrain stuff; created one for Petur that plays ball with existing terrain extensions
NPC steering is now two dimensional.
deploy / fire / holster animations for the pump shotgun.
Item splitter ui
Fixed buttons highlighting when not mouse over
Fixed blueprints initial order/info