
1,136 Commits over 3,897 Days - 0.01cph!

1 Year Ago
fixed hole in slot machine deposit slot
1 Year Ago
revised 2nd weapon rack texture so it doesn't blend as easily with more rusted weapons without making it looks whack
1 Year Ago
large tall weapon rack texture change seeing if i can get the contrast better without making it look whack
1 Year Ago
Feedback fixes for the old tv consistent fbx mesh data name set layer to world added the missing collision adjusted culling distance added prefab variants on/off
1 Year Ago
updated Abyss metal hatchet ao so some barnacles aren't so dark
1 Year Ago
old tv lods and prefab
1 Year Ago
old tv lods and folder restructure prefab setup
1 Year Ago
added uv2 to tv and base emission texture updated textures
1 Year Ago
old tv model setup (needs lods)
1 Year Ago
resized textures for light fitting
1 Year Ago
Added a flourescent light to be placed on the wall mounted weapon racks lods/textures etc
1 Year Ago
updated diver assault rifle cinematic material with correct textures
1 Year Ago
LODs for all 3 wall mounted weapon racks updated deployable prefabs accordingly
1 Year Ago
added 3rd wall mounted weapon rack reduced texture sizes of all 3 texture sets
1 Year Ago
Added 2 revisions to the gun racks. Large Horizontal and Large Tall - still need to tweak the textures ever so slightly - updated corresponding deployables for testing
1 Year Ago
v_ & w_ diver assault rifle fbx file updates world model now has reduced lod chain, starting from the original LOD2 which is now acting as LOD0
1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
Texture resizing
1 Year Ago
Diver Assault Rifle LODs, materials and textures
1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
folder and project setup
1 Year Ago
update to recycler fbx fixed LOD3 uvs fixed scaling and rotation values
1 Year Ago
added foldable targeting computer for paddy
1 Year Ago
Added makeshift standing weapon rack LODs/Gibs/COL/Materials & Textures initial prefab setup for adam
1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
merge from main
1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
Merge from main
1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
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1 Year Ago
Horse double saddle lods materials and prefab setup
1 Year Ago
Fixed missing face for real this time, preserving all functionality.
1 Year Ago
ptz missing face fix will need some adjusting to preserve current deployment behaviour
1 Year Ago
horse double saddle model - fbx textures, material , prefab setup
1 Year Ago
added damage masks for the Attack Heli's damaged state updated materials
1 Year Ago
Slingshot and rock, materials and textures!
1 Year Ago
removed screen from attack heli main console
1 Year Ago
somehow forgot .mat
1 Year Ago
SmallScope remake models, textures and material setup
1 Year Ago
fixed collision issue on zipline slope that could partially hide dropped items
1 Year Ago
Updated Electric Furnce mesh so IO point is on the side of furnace rather than the back.