5,531 Commits over 3,683 Days - 0.06cph!
Fixed grass missing in front of supermarket
Fixed floating electric wire at stables_a
Fixed missing keypad on compound farming vending machine
Fixed a hole by Military tunnels mine entrance rocks
Fixed inaccurate shadow proxies of lighthouse
Lighthouse S2P
Desert Military bases dwellings loot spawns (2)
Desert Military bases dwellings loot spawns
spawner prefab for normal crates - old style
raised the dwellings spawns a little in desert_military_base_d (tents ground mats clipping in terrain)
Added ability to sit down at some dwellings modules furniture
tweaks and polish - clipping objects
Moved the fabric colliders of the military tents to the prevent movement layer
fixed shooting through buildings_scaffoldings_600_stairs prefab
Fixed an offset in plywood_wall_window_a collider
Painted some building topology under the MLRS spawners to prevent foliage spawns
more accurate colliders on kitchen_table prefab
fixed crater mesh not having a collider and not culling
closed off hole in between pipes in dwelling_double_E
Reworked Desert Military Bases topologies - blend map topo road space, made monument topo wider, added some road topology to help with connections
Dirt mounds LODs, eliminated holes between lod stages
Camo fabric awnings wind material setup and vertex alpha control
Other small fixes
collider fixes to military tents
Added trail connections to desert military bases
Added MLRS vehicle entity to desert military bases
Desert dwellings AI nodes, spawns and obstacles
Flow fixes and bug fixes to dwellings
Desert dwellings progress backup
Dwellings prefabs creation (pathing/cover and potential AI spawn remain still)
Dwelling spawners
Placed spawners inside Military base scenes
Desert dwellings progress backup
Tweaked MLRS scenes prefab settings
Desert dwellings progress backup
Desert dwellings progress backup
Desert dwellings progress backup
Desert dwellings progress backup
Military bases scenes setup and terrain sculpting, splats and toplogies painting
Dirt mounds dressing detail pass
Improved material visuals
mess_hall_tables textures, models and prefabs
Plywood walls set models and prefabs
Military hangar models and prefabs
Hesco barrier final art - Models and prefabs
Added a generic fabric generic detail map
military tents final art (LODs/Colliders) and prefabs setup
Changed one of the dweller prefab family to be deep corners in module_1200x1500_1way_moonpool