
116,394 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!

6 Years Ago
[D11] Start adding some platform publishing assets
6 Years Ago
Corrected projectile directions for NPCs when on the Cargo Ship.
6 Years Ago
cargo ship loot tests
6 Years Ago
More improvements to AI orientation when on the Cargo Ship.
6 Years Ago
More work on solving orientation for AI on the Cargo Ship.
6 Years Ago
More progress on AI heading/orientation when on the Cargo Ship.
6 Years Ago
PlayerGrid now lives in world space, and other world vs local space things related to AI.
6 Years Ago
ambientLightLOD set to isDynamic
6 Years Ago
Added lifeboat arms to the cargo ship scene
6 Years Ago
Cargo ship lifeboat arms prefabs and meshes
6 Years Ago
Players update their network group even when standing still while parented Players update their server query position even when standing still while parented (for AI queries)
6 Years Ago
Players don't inherit network group when parented
6 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Fix to vital bars not updating with the correct values. Now correctly updates based on containers and using the conditions the items require for their consumable effects.
6 Years Ago
waterline test
6 Years Ago
Projectiles and thrown weapons inherit velocity from player parent (TODO: server projectiles)
6 Years Ago
[D11] Rebecca - Texture Metadata - 2nd batch resized textures
6 Years Ago
[D11] Throw Error in Jenkins
6 Years Ago
More work on AI side.
6 Years Ago
[D11][Jenkins] Disable Win64 and the unneeded methods to debug the master package builds on PS4/XboxOne
6 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] wrapped some functions in the UIHUD in defines to stop errors when not using the new HUD
6 Years Ago
[D11] Fixing a lost reference - includes new gamertag and version number text fields which aren't used yet
6 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Added a HUD element to visualise players ping, added a HUD element to show players current Coordinates, added a HUD element to visualise current radiation levels, tweaked the appearance of several UI elements and images, added a drop shadow to text that needs it
6 Years Ago
[D11] Enable package builds on jenkins
6 Years Ago
Cherry picking 28703
6 Years Ago
Removed LOD hacks from cargo ship Removed smooth rotation override from cargo ship (smooth rotation is now default)
6 Years Ago
LOD components support moving objects when isDynamic is true
6 Years Ago
Updated manifest
6 Years Ago
Made AI operate in world space more correctly.
6 Years Ago
[D11] [UI] Left Stick and DPad now work for all transitions and movement on the Main Menu Carousel
6 Years Ago
[D11] Server analytics data expanded to include network statistics.
6 Years Ago
[D11] bit of code to dump full contents of warmup bundle
6 Years Ago
Fixed a couple NREs in AI.
6 Years Ago
[D11][UI][WIP] First pass of new UI Loot panels and prefabs. Removed unneeded log message
6 Years Ago
[D11] Rebecca - Texture metadata - Tex resizing for PS4 build
6 Years Ago
higher res foam texture
6 Years Ago
Simplified collider for the cargo ship
6 Years Ago
Merge from entity_parenting
6 Years Ago
merge from entity_parenting
6 Years Ago
Fixed incorrect entity position relative to parent when entities are received before their parent has been received
6 Years Ago
Fixed network lerp warnings being logged even with lerp.debug disabled
6 Years Ago
Fixed TimedExplosive sticking issues caused by outdated parenting hacks and extrapolation
6 Years Ago
merge from main
6 Years Ago
merge from entity_parenting
6 Years Ago
[D11][Jenkins] Always unmount build drive on failure
6 Years Ago
Fixed NREs in AI.
6 Years Ago
[D11][Jenkins] - mount build drives and unmount
6 Years Ago
Merge from entity_parenting
6 Years Ago
6 Years Ago
Merge from main
6 Years Ago
Fixed slight camera jump when parenting / unparenting with parent that is rotated on the X / Z axis