116,386 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Fixed ForcePositionTo issues (needs to be in world space)
Player rotation correctly follows parent on both client and server
[D11] Copy to network share
Updated output path in protobuf generate scripts
Fixed anti hack issues when parented
Position in player ticks is now local space
Added parent ID to player ticks, ignore positions from outdated parents
[D11] Fix for define issues
[D11] Modified to enable crunching on textures that already have per-platform settings if not already enabled - when setting console texture max size
fixed player models being offset wrongly on parented entities
viewmodel bob calculation works with parenting
player model animations work with parenting
Don't kill player with parent, unparent and drop into the world instead
Fixed cargo_ship_hull, cargoship_turbine and cargo_ship_fin colliders
merge from entity_parenting
Test platform entity aligns to terrain normal
Player controller inherits Y axis movement from parent
[D11] Inventory icons reset and fix for UIInventory define
Potato plant meshes/growth stages/ textures and prefabs
[D11] [UI] Fixed condition bar not being hidden when item in slot becomes null or breaks.
[D11] Meta files for PS4 Textures
merge from entity_parenting
[D11] [UI] Fixed new condition bars not updating correctly. Adjusted colour values of item slot background on belt bar and changed condition bars to have an alpha of 0 by default.
Processed Merge in ItemIcon.cs.
[D11] Fixes and improvements to the Inventory screen and new HUD screen
[D11][Jenkins] Sort out the folders. Also try and compile via one method to speed up
[D11] Do Translation.Init much earlier to avoid stalling the async warmup bundle preloading.
[D11][Jenkins] Enable other platforms
[D11] Utility script to do asset modifications and various stat gathering
[D11] [UI] Fixed transitions for In-game UI. Carousels/PagedUI parents can now set their own transition speed between pages.
[D11][Jenkins] Fix for compile on XboxOne
[D11][Jenkins] Isolate XboxOne
Added rotation to test platform entity
Fixed player controls being wrong when parent rotates
[D11] Merge CL.28377 to disable read/write on some textures.
[D11] Fixes for translate errors when using SERVER define
[D11] Fix for build Property comment build error
More work in progress on AI.
Garage door easier to open/close when placed near ladder hatch
metal shopfront exploit fix
cargo ship movement volume
merge from entity_parenting
fixed player model speed being wrong when parented