116,220 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
some more prep work (overgrowth dressing scene)
Fixed handling bug when dynamic occludees are destroyed
fixed holosight reddot alignment
Added Window/Tools/Replace Objects With Prefab
Fixed missing sphere tank barrels (cc garry I think you have to reimport Content/Props/water_drums/water_drum_a.prefab)
Fixed broken objects / references on HapisIsland (hopefully takes care of our build issues)
Scene for prefabs management
concrete slabs and sewers overgrowth dressing
Fixed placed entity spawn pos/rot being reset
vegetation models WIP
roads and railroad overgrowth dressing
Fixed shader compile error in edge detect shader (vulkan)
Replaced Facepunch.Tick (appears to be fucked)
python slightly more accurate
python slightly less aim sway
python slightly higher firerate
Update visibility now actually hides parts; keeps shadow under min playercull dist
Optimized update visibility routine, including censorship objs
Fixed weird profiler BeginSample error in editor
Fixed white background on player preview
Fix NRE in
18437 and reapply
Added Tools/Find/Missing Scripts
Fixed missing scripts in neutral_dungeon_lighting prefab
Removed PDF from "Content" folder (don't think this is used)
Moved all script assets out of the "Content" folder (presumably irrelevant)
First pass ragdoll to dynamic occlusion culling
Optimized player model UpdateVisibility
Optimizations and fixes for occlusion culling
Commented profiling samples on playermodel updateRot/Pos
Fixed profiler sample mismatch in baseplayer-vis
18437 (cc alexrehberg)
damage balance for python
limit clones per cutting to 5
Optimistically re-saving every prefab with a particlesystem
Updated entity bounds on a bunch of weapons
Adjusted player culling spheres; cleaned up code
Made player culling update every frame it's free and accurate; fallback still uses adaptive rate
RecalculateBounds takes SkinnedMeshRenderer into account
Wolf sound polish pass
No more coroutines in the sound system
Python revolver sounds
Mix tweaks
tweaked positioning of 3rd person python model so it sits better in the hand
fixed 3rd person spear holding so it points in the direction the player is actualy facing
tweaked ak47 3rd person anims