
106,315 Commits over 3,806 Days - 1.16cph!

9 Years Ago
Tweaked some rock scales
9 Years Ago
New roads WIP Various improvements for the road and river terrain adjustments
9 Years Ago
Lots of prefab rebuilding or refactoring
9 Years Ago
Added Incendiary ammo types! Added incendiary rocket Added explosive ammo fixed seeing reload options menu when clipsize was 0
9 Years Ago
Forgot to submit graphics tweaks UI prefab
9 Years Ago
Added alpha cutoff range; alpha cutoff now visible in material inspector again
9 Years Ago
merge from main
9 Years Ago
Better shader error detection
9 Years Ago
Moved twig skin lods to atlas texture, prefabs updated Added LODs to some pieces that didnt have any to maximize the impact
9 Years Ago
Skipping some complex code during SHADER_TARGET_SURFACE_ANALYSIS
9 Years Ago
Drastically reduced terrain and terrain-blend shader variant count; simplified shader LOD options Added graphics UI logic for anisotropy and parallax
9 Years Ago
Added anisotropy and parallax graphics UI options
9 Years Ago
Updated RustBuilder
9 Years Ago
Reimport shaders on build if needed
9 Years Ago
first pass at reloading sounds
9 Years Ago
Fixed early singleton initialization in standalone builds
9 Years Ago
Animal materials.
9 Years Ago
More variants
9 Years Ago
Updating builder
9 Years Ago
Rebuilt shader variants
9 Years Ago
NRE fixes
9 Years Ago
HDR setting backup.
9 Years Ago
Server compile errors
9 Years Ago
Merge from main
9 Years Ago
Crafting notice
9 Years Ago
Added big-ass high voltage powerlines
9 Years Ago
Only connect powerline poles if 3 or more can be connected in a row
9 Years Ago
When placing a roadside object fails try again as soon as possible (instead of waiting for the next node)
9 Years Ago
Increased road and river width Changed a bunch of stuff about how roads and rivers are generated
9 Years Ago
Crafting queue
9 Years Ago
merge from main
9 Years Ago
Moved wood skin lods to atlas texture, prefabs updated
9 Years Ago
Made tundras grassy
9 Years Ago
handcuffed holdtype meta files
9 Years Ago
Better Crafting - part 1
9 Years Ago
Moved stone skin lods to atlas texture, prefabs updated
9 Years Ago
Improved monument spawn filter checking
9 Years Ago
Improved sunrise / sunset time analysis Tweaked climate blending angle
9 Years Ago
Updates to atlas texture
9 Years Ago
Moved metal skin lods to atlas texture, prefabs updated
9 Years Ago
Changed climate blending to use calculated sunrise and sunset hours and the sun zenith angle Fixed TOD_Sky.SunriseTime and TOD_Sky.SunsetTime being off by 12 hours
9 Years Ago
merge from main
9 Years Ago
Changed terrain paint overlay to multiplicative so that it's visible on snow
9 Years Ago
Reapplied changeset 8383 but different
9 Years Ago
Subtracted changeset 8383
9 Years Ago
Moved top tier skin lods to atlas texture, prefabs updated
9 Years Ago
Disabled parallax occlusion and parallax offset by default; now a shader feature, requires toggle via shader keyword
9 Years Ago
Improved splat mapping of post-generation cliff detection Multithreaded post-generation cliff detection
9 Years Ago
Forced river meshes to flow downhill
9 Years Ago
Updated cave prefab to LOD grid and the new non-raycasting setup