116,221 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
Salvaged hammer optimisation
Theoretical "real" fix for skins issue
Updated checksum functionality to the new system
Completely disabled caching on non-procedural maps
Enabled instancing on nature materials
Sphere tank overgrowth dressing
Enabled instancing on effect materials
Enabled instancing for prop materials
Added instancing toggle to our custom shadergui in parity with unity standard
Enabled instancing for building materials
Added opaque sort mode option to Main Camera component
Enabled instancing again on some rocks (has to be done via material now...)
Added "free" console command (clears prefab, asset and memory pools, then runs GC and unloads unused assets)
Fixed "data is NULL" error when writing empty stream to network
Fixed error after running clear_memory
Rocket launcher optimisation
Powerplant terrain height and splats tweaks
Powerplant overgrowth dressing end
Update disabled state on the client whenever the parent reference changes
Fixed floating attachments when picking up weapons (RUST-1536)
Fix RUST-1534
Fix bow shoot sound playing an extra time when quickly switching weapons
slightly reduced cost of waterpipe shotgun
reduced cost of double barrel (one less pipe)
removed gear cost from landmine
reduced blade cost of metal barricade
reduced stone cost of stone/concrete barricades
oil barrels also produce a small amount of low grade fuel in addition to crude
reduced recycler volume slightly but increased audible radius
Moved common occlusion culling routines to base entity
Added occlusion culling to NPCs
Added LODGroup to zombie (culling)
Powerplant overgrowth dressing backup
Fixed DroppedItem.OnParentRemoved position calculations so dropped items appear at the correct position when their parent is removed
Fixed server held entity leak when dropped item is out of world bounds
Recalculated entity bounds on all collectables
Fixed rare lock entity NRE when thrown items are stuck in them while removing them (RUST-1521)
Fixed collider list in TerrainCollision.GetIgnore sometimes being thrown to garbage collector instead of being pooled
Fixed Item.Ownership memory pooling being fucked up
Fixed ClientReady.ClientInfo leaking objects into the memory pool (only once per server join?)
Pump shotgun optimisation
Revolver additional world mesh changes
Powerplant overgrowth dressing backup
Lighthouse overgrowth dressing
All plugins copy pdb if found in output folder
Set compile symbols before building asset bundles / preparing prefabs
Fixed ConvarComponent spam on server build
Fixed PieOption NRE on server build
SkinnedMeshCollider, BaseCollision are IClientComponent
merge from art_overgrowth
Unity 5.4.2f2 (downgrade)
LODs and vertex color painting for vegetation, R and G channels are used for detail bending
Prefabs created for all models
Overgrowth dressing scene update
Fixed server compilation
Made thirdparty occlusion culling portable again
Extended occlusion culling support for articulated models; added player and animal ragdolls
Culling now enabled by default
Removed culling related debug messages