116,222 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
tweaked positioning of 3rd person python model so it sits better in the hand
fixed 3rd person spear holding so it points in the direction the player is actualy facing
tweaked ak47 3rd person anims
first pass of cloning plants
crossbow cheaper
p250 does same damage up close and less damage far away
python increased damage/range
fixed python worldmodel attachment points
fixed attachment points on python revolver
fixed clipping issues and floating scope/holosight attachment points for a bunch of other weapons
Added hiz based player culling (only terrain atm); kept ray-based culling as fallback when hiz disabled
python slots
fixed hemp turning brown when picked
fixed the hold pose for the python / m92 / lr300 ( player no longer holds the guns to the side anymore )
tweaked some sounds for the python revolver
python fixes
overgrowth atlas textures wip/backup
Fixed some standalone client / server issues
Fixed player model standing up after crouch throwing
Fixed player model sometimes sitting on the floor when changing hold types while in a transition
Fixed rare case where stuff would still spawn too close to constructions
Spawn handler does multiple retries per spawn wave if not enough spawn locations are found (RUST-1528)
python first pass implementation
manifest et al
debug removal
plants progressively grow over time instead of snapping to new stages
plants always have a small seedling visible when placing
plant cloning baseline
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added aiming down the sights animations for bolt_rifle and ak47 holdtypes
removed meshes from some of the animation .fbx files
Adjusted junkpile terrain anchors so more than 2 find a place to spawn, which is a plus
Fixed ore scale not applying on the server