31,212 Commits over 3,928 Days - 0.33cph!
crossbow reload anim length now matches ironsight start point
Fixed painted images not saving correctly
Added Sqlite/byte/memorystream tests
Helk'd it, left a buunch of Debug.Log's in the code
Fixed GetBetaName exception when steam isn't running (benchmarks etc)
for CUI, added Added UI.Ingame.Hud, UI.Ingame.Hud.Under
Removed hacky motion vector non-jitter matrix code now that we're on b25; using built-in, fixes issues with viewmodel
Fixed TimeWarning disposal profiler situation
Moved netgraph to Rust.UI
█▅▊▍ ▍▍▍▇▅▌ ▄▄▌ ▊▇▄▉▆▄▇▋█ ▅▊▅▅▇▌▋ ▋█▇▆▉ (▅▄▉▉-▍▊▋)
Actual fix for temporal-aa black cancer + tiny alu opt
ProjectVersion / ProjectSettings b25 auto updates
Workaround for building blocked everywhere (RUST-683, maybe RUST-1138)
Fix attempt for black cancer taking over the screen when using temporal aa
Fixed shader find FXAA shader; already assigned via inspector
Added default shader assignment
no double xp from breaking lootable objects
Fixed server NRE caused by trying to read clientBranch from out of date clients
fixed earning xp from eating your own food
Lerp fix, assuming it works without testing
Slight tweak for even more sharpness
Fixed motion vectors disabled when moblur was disabled; now checking for temporal-aa as well
Experimental tssaa motion based feedback factor scaling (sharper in motion)
Switched tssaa sampling to halton_2_3 (8TX)
Rocket LOS check improvement (RUST-1139)
Check protocol version after the branch since the Steam beta kick message is easier to understand
Netgraph, disabled by default
Fixed exception on stream.Position
Fixed a buttload of warnings
Fixed NotImplementedException
Stopped animals sending network update every few ms for seemingly no good reason
Fixed player model state updating too often
b25 speedtree shader update (won't break earlier versions)
Fixed motion vector issues when tssaa is disabled
Fixed temporal-aa legacy opengl compilation errors
Raknet test
Timewarning - do nothing when not enabled at all in release builds
Moved raknet to its own dll
Updated native libraries
Cache BaseEntity.ToString()
Unity 5.4.0b25 (to see if it fixes build server crashing)
Prefab name lookup optimization
Temporary workaround for nonJitteredProjectionMatrix on b21
Removed custom motion vectors shader from temporal-aa folder
. completely revamped xp earner categories
. max xp you can earn from any player clamped to 6
. xp earned from other players tapers off the more they earn for you
. xp from using resources for crafting removed
. diminishing xp bonus for crafting an item ( max 1xp total )
merge into main
Merging from temporal-aa branch
Tweaked ocean caustics animation
Removing music code because Unity
Removing music prefab because Unity
Removing music assets because Unity
Added "Particles/VertexLit Additive" shader
Fixed fishing trap caught VFX visible at night (RUST-1136)