116,241 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
Add scm changeset number when building
Include unity version info in benchmark results
BasePlayer.ClientInit uses load balancing for mesh creation and prefab instantiation
Fixed regression on RUST-793
Fixed some deployables being placeable at extreme angles
Fixed BasePlayer.UpdateLookingAt performance issues in certain situations
Force quality level when running benchmarks
Fixed grass/bushes not showing in procmap tests
large and small planters - mats, textures (plowed soil), gibs etc
fixed the ak47 / smg / bolt_rifle attack animations so they better represent where the player is aiming
Slight change to how bundles are built (hoping for faster build times)
Properly handling decal shadows when shadows are disabled; closing in on RUST-795
"Cannot mark assets and scenes in one AssetBundle"
Try to ignore some bullshit unity errors
Don't kick admins/devs for exceptions
SkinnedMeshCollider Benchmark
Init targetFrameRate when running benchmark
Fixed inconsistent bone scaling in the player preview, including the extreme boob sizes.
Fixed Benchmark nosteam error
Changed resolution dialog to hidden by default (but added -show-screen-selector to launch params so behaviour is consistent)
setup the bow / crossbow to show different arrow heads (depending on the ammo type equipped)
fixed slight glitch in the flamethrower deploy animation
files I forgot to include
Completely Redid the player animation system by splitting the animations into upper / lower
Cleaned up mecanim by reducing the number of active layers
adjustment for wood door heat protection
fix for flames dealing damage through walls
fix for flamethrower reloading while put away
fixed flamethrower not having hit notifications
lowered HDR value of flame particles (less blinding at night)
fix for flames damaging metal doors and stone (not ready folks)
Put benchmark maps in bundles
Decor components only apply scale adjustments to client entities since pos and rot are networked (RUST-771)
added bone info component with old values to playermodel
Use a tiny radius when doing the interaction point line of sight check (RUST-784)
Automated benchmark framework
BoneFollower also checks parents of parents when determining enabled state (RUST-794)
BoneFollower is also enabled if parents are animating (RUST-793)
Fixed deployment of boxes on shelves being annoying
pilot light always on
flamer loses condition
updated flamer desc
stone is once again affected by heat
compile fixes
flamethrower 3p sound fixes
fireball merge fixes
AmbienceEmitter doesn't fade in quite as fast when there's no sound currently playing
fix for ammo going below 0 for flamethrowers
fix for being able to fire before deploy is complete (flamer)