116,242 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!
Slight tweak to out of range AmbienceEmitter deactivation
Fixed missing icons on small furnace
Ensure AmbienceEmitters always fade out on deactivation
Don't defer player model instantiation (RUST-819, RUST-825)
Fixed memory leak / performance drop-off in ParticleEmitFromParentObject
New big powerline models/LODs/COLs
Ambience quality levels + benchmark
Enabled ocean tesselation in water q=1
Added graphicsDeviceType to hardware info, so we can bucket based on dx9/dx11/opengl etc
Fix RUST-580 - Able to loot/kill and see players and some deployables underneath sheet metal floors
Added detail map to Furnace materials
Fix for RUST-503 - See through joining gap - armored floor/ceiling on low settings (LOD)
Fix for RUST-572 Ladder Hatch appears closed from short distance
wip powerline prefab tests
Fixed BasePlayer.OnSignal being able to NRE (which disconnects players)
metabolism changes, lose calories slightly slower when harvesting
Hopefully closing RUST-795 this time
fixed bug where the bow/crossbow displayed the metal arrowhead by default
Concrete_f texture set
Industrial glass textures
Industrial buildings a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j and overpass a,b,c models/LODs/COLs
Ready to place prefabs for these buildings
Dungeons prefab scenes update
Chat message objects are pooled (less GC)
Fixed potential chat message overflow
Fixed health bars on animals not appearing (RUST-814)
water barrel dispenser fbx, collision, materials (cloth) etc
phrases, manifest, loot tables, et al
bota bag can fill from the world
bota bag cheaper and default blueprint
waterbarrel holds twice as much
halved max calories/water held by players
increased reliance on calories/water for players
decreased bleeding damage
added large water jug
no sprinting when dehydrated
use more calories when running
can drink from the world
Map masks for water drinking feature.
Added GetDepth to TerrainWaterMap for Helk
fixed orientation of arrowhead on the crossbolt viewmodel
improved the bear attack animations
improved the horse attack animation
tweaked the blend values for the horse and bear so they transition a bit smoother out of certain anim states
Fixed building block health not showing
Player self interaction menu baseline
C4 can no longer stick to other C4
Projectiles change path when penetrating objects (projectile refraction)
flamethrower finds fuel placed on belt