
116,227 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.21cph!

9 Years Ago
texture and material edits
9 Years Ago
merge from main
9 Years Ago
Added warnings when trying to parent entity to itself Added warnings when trying to parent entity to its child Fixed C4 parenting to its own child
9 Years Ago
merge from main
9 Years Ago
waterbucket baseline waterbarrel waterball
9 Years Ago
Reduced clipping on metal plate torso
9 Years Ago
Rock cull distance tweaks (RUST-626)
9 Years Ago
merged from main
9 Years Ago
Eyelash skinning fix
9 Years Ago
Thirdperson fixes
9 Years Ago
Fixed upside down eyes
9 Years Ago
dof_blur, dof_aper now saved vars
9 Years Ago
Fixed stack overflow when ShouldNetworkTo'ing self
9 Years Ago
Thirdperson: - rotates around bones, locally - cambone var defines which child bone to rotate around - mwheelwheel zooms in and out - rmb + mwheel changes fov
9 Years Ago
Console System handles Vector3 properly
9 Years Ago
DOF: if looking at an entity with eyes, focus on them
9 Years Ago
Parented eyelids to eye bones
9 Years Ago
Don't allow spectating self (!)
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
IdleTime reconnect fix
9 Years Ago
third person camera doesn't go through stuff
9 Years Ago
Can enter codelock codes with keyboard Codelock dialog show as stars instead of the code
9 Years Ago
Player model eye flicker Player head faces the right direction, instead of 50% the right direction
9 Years Ago
Merged from main
9 Years Ago
Fixed the normals I just broke
9 Years Ago
Femalehead.02 uses correct lods
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Fix for RUST-681 (needs Scene2Prefab)
9 Years Ago
Fix for RUST-760
9 Years Ago
Missing FPS graph shaders in standalone
9 Years Ago
Fixed eye rigging
9 Years Ago
Reduced clipping on bone armour pants
9 Years Ago
Fixed player preview refl probe interfering with global reflections
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Blueprint wipe
9 Years Ago
Updated phrases
9 Years Ago
Signs can be edited by the locker Signs can be unlocked by the locker Signs can always be unlocked/edited by admins
9 Years Ago
Fixed missing FPS graph materials in standalone
9 Years Ago
Material zoo AO apply method to post
9 Years Ago
CraggyIsland updates
9 Years Ago
Light test 2 (env refl occlusion)
9 Years Ago
Men have manlier eyelashes eyelashes use standard shader
9 Years Ago
9 Years Ago
Fixed map overlay not preventing mouse buttons when open
9 Years Ago
Fixed everything being white in scene view on our main camera (maintaining identical visuals at runtime)
9 Years Ago
Material zoo nighttime parameters
9 Years Ago
Fixed errors when running material_zoo scene
9 Years Ago
Fixed local player sometimes holding multiple weapons Fixed double deploy warning
9 Years Ago
Light test (env refl occlusion)
9 Years Ago
Stripped deprecated tree optimization code