118,716 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.24cph!
Cherry picking
25518 for bawng
Ensure locker, bed, workbench destroyed if construction placed on no longer exists (ground watch tweaks)
Fixed core/foliage edge mask default values causing clipping errors
optimized the footIK (it ignores the "debris" layer)
Chainsaw for goosey/ prefab/fbx/ textures/materials
Potential fix for another "_MainTex" UI error
Enabled player death database again
Fixed OnViewModeChanged NRE
Potential fix for "_MainTex" UI error when opening map
Military tunnels entrance lighting volume fix
fixed foot IK spazzing out on Gibs ( eg. loot barrel gibs )
Merge from unity_2017.1.3
Rolling back 2017.3 changes
Unpacked all materials (for now)
set composite materials to not use sRGB and tweaked composite textures accordingly, material tweaks, made alpha more solid at distance
More terrain blend map work, better technique
Anchors fix to power sub stations
Fixed a few more warnings
Added a couple new convars to control the ai execution.
Improved load balanced execution of AI.
Fixed vm torch not hitting centre of screen, tweaks to anims
Treat warnings as errors - let's see how this goes
Updated bundle split tool
Bundle splits (added a third texture bundle)
Fixed 275 compiler warnings
Added face culling option to core/generic
Fixed minor issue that caused incorrect star positions relative to the sun and moon
Changed remaining core shaders to roughness
Core/generic now matches core/generic (SRM)
Added occlusion (A) to SRM packed map, optional
Spicebush tweaks / roughness map / prefab settings
Fix for UnityShadowLibrary.cginc; touched internal-deferredshading shader
Airfield terrain blend cookie test