
118,722 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.24cph!

7 Years Ago
Scene2Prefabs monuments
7 Years Ago
terrain blend maps
7 Years Ago
Updated mac build target
7 Years Ago
Spicebush tweaks / roughness map / prefab settings
7 Years Ago
Fix for UnityShadowLibrary.cginc; touched internal-deferredshading shader
7 Years Ago
Airfield terrain blend cookie test
7 Years Ago
Merge from unity_2017.3
7 Years Ago
Merge from main
7 Years Ago
repairing now costs 20% of an items total instead of 50% repair bench no longer costs wood, 125 metal frags mountable cleanup passenger/saddle seat TESTS, relax
7 Years Ago
rebaked terrain atlas textures
7 Years Ago
Fixed ivhtexture defaulting to srgb on terrain atlas; added srgb support and rebaked Temporary fix for ivhtexture defaulting to srgb on existing packed maps Fixed normal map issues in some instances where dxt5nm unpacking is necessary
7 Years Ago
searchlight no longer accessable without TC access bandages and syringes now show their information panel spelling fixes
7 Years Ago
first pass shader updates
7 Years Ago
Merge from main
7 Years Ago
Willow bush / prefab and texture tweaks
7 Years Ago
Spicebush / textures, prefabs, meshes and billboards
7 Years Ago
uv tweaks on short strands
7 Years Ago
Script auto updates (EventType uppercase / lowercase)
7 Years Ago
Package manager folder
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
Added world reflection quality slider to graphics settings World reflection quality convar is now saved
7 Years Ago
Fixed shadows on some building block reflection meshes
7 Years Ago
Player constructions have their own environment type (no longer share building type) Improved reflections inside player constructions on quality setting 1
7 Years Ago
Improved animal flee behavior
7 Years Ago
Added player building proxy meshes for reflection pass Added reflection.quality convar (0, 1, 2 - defaults to 0, unsaved for now)
7 Years Ago
vm crossbow wobble fix
7 Years Ago
Merged from ai branch
7 Years Ago
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7 Years Ago
Merged from main
7 Years Ago
Added runtime lookat debug info for ai.
7 Years Ago
moved overgrowth materials to core/foliage
7 Years Ago
Added reflection.terrain / world / construction / clutter / tree convars (runtime testing)
7 Years Ago
Willow bushes / tweaks, prefab setup and autospawn
7 Years Ago
7 Years Ago
tweaks to overgrowth materials - temporary until move to current foliage shader
7 Years Ago
merge from legacy foliage spec
7 Years Ago
New Forest splat textures (Maybe not definitive)
7 Years Ago
Fixed smoothness being zeroed
7 Years Ago
Launcher splash screen updated
7 Years Ago
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7 Years Ago
Added environment properties asset to adjust ambient / reflection multipliers and transition speed
7 Years Ago
Deleted old unused tree assets
7 Years Ago
Moving tree stump / log textures to safety
7 Years Ago
Restore spec for legacy nature/foliage shader
7 Years Ago
Time of Day update
7 Years Ago
Willow bushes / meshes, textures, LOD's and billboards
7 Years Ago
Removed all remaining objects from the reflection layer (now unused) Reflection probe uses skybox shader (no directional scattering)
7 Years Ago
Merged from reflection-fix
7 Years Ago
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7 Years Ago
Scientists optimization pass