118,722 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.24cph!
Spicebush tweaks / roughness map / prefab settings
Fix for UnityShadowLibrary.cginc; touched internal-deferredshading shader
Airfield terrain blend cookie test
repairing now costs 20% of an items total instead of 50%
repair bench no longer costs wood, 125 metal frags
mountable cleanup
passenger/saddle seat TESTS, relax
rebaked terrain atlas textures
Fixed ivhtexture defaulting to srgb on terrain atlas; added srgb support and rebaked
Temporary fix for ivhtexture defaulting to srgb on existing packed maps
Fixed normal map issues in some instances where dxt5nm unpacking is necessary
searchlight no longer accessable without TC access
bandages and syringes now show their information panel
spelling fixes
first pass shader updates
Willow bush / prefab and texture tweaks
Spicebush / textures, prefabs, meshes and billboards
uv tweaks on short strands
Script auto updates (EventType uppercase / lowercase)
Added world reflection quality slider to graphics settings
World reflection quality convar is now saved
Fixed shadows on some building block reflection meshes
Player constructions have their own environment type (no longer share building type)
Improved reflections inside player constructions on quality setting 1
Improved animal flee behavior
Added player building proxy meshes for reflection pass
Added reflection.quality convar (0, 1, 2 - defaults to 0, unsaved for now)
▌▉▍▌▋ ▄▆▋▉.▇▄▆▌ ▋▌▌ █▅▆▌▌▉▇▊▄ ▇▊▍▌▆██▅▇▆▊▇▋.
Added runtime lookat debug info for ai.
moved overgrowth materials to core/foliage
Added reflection.terrain / world / construction / clutter / tree convars (runtime testing)
Willow bushes / tweaks, prefab setup and autospawn
tweaks to overgrowth materials - temporary until move to current foliage shader
merge from legacy foliage spec
New Forest splat textures (Maybe not definitive)
Fixed smoothness being zeroed
Launcher splash screen updated
▅▆▆▉▅▆▆█▄█ ▅▋▌/▋▇▌▍▊ ▊▆▉▆▉▆▆ ▋▄█▇▌▊▇▇█▍
Added environment properties asset to adjust ambient / reflection multipliers and transition speed
Deleted old unused tree assets
Moving tree stump / log textures to safety
Restore spec for legacy nature/foliage shader
Willow bushes / meshes, textures, LOD's and billboards
Removed all remaining objects from the reflection layer (now unused)
Reflection probe uses skybox shader (no directional scattering)
Merged from reflection-fix
Scientists optimization pass