117,102 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
fixed a bug with the muzzleflash being offset improperly
Client side plant entities pool
Fixed plant skins not recycling
Presumably fixed workshop skin load issue on Windows
Rebuilt plugins just in case
Merged demo recording into main
Plant skin instantiates are load balanced
Server sends full snapshot when recording a demo
Merge from vertex_count_simplification
playing demos loads the world in properly
wall/window/doorway metal tier LOD0 further optimization
Experiment: More granular network cells (64 meters per cell instead of 126.5)
less detail on wall.frame.stone LOD0
Reduced stuttering and GC from workshop skin loading (this needs rethinking)
Metal block set vert count reduction, prefabs update
Rocket launcher world model uv fix
Added TimeWarning.BeginSample / EndSample (for coroutine profiling inside plugins)
Stone block set vert count reduction, prefabs update
Disabled MaterialColorLerp (memory, performance)
Entity creation is grouped by entity name in profiler
Removed some needlessly deep nested profiler samples
WIP netting wall frame block and spinner wheel
balance/functionality of Locker
Fish provides animal fat
shopfront no longer blocks wall placement on triangle foundations
Rust.Workshop plugin has profiler enabled in debug build
More profiler workshop skin profiler samples
Added "itemskins" convar to toggle workshop item skins
fixed revolver showing muzzlebrake all the time
Fixed memory leak when workshop skin texture file cannot be found
Added profiler samples to workshop skin loading
Replaced all StartCoroutine(string) calls with StartCoroutine(IEnumerator) calls
Reverted UI.Options.Keybind.prefab submission