117,759 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.23cph!
Fixed missing references on server for Footstep stuff
Pie menu transition animations
Fixed "Rust/Standard Legacy Terrain" alpha clip issues
Fixed serialization bug in tool cupboard
Removed debug output
Also hude the HUD if dead or in debug camera mode
Mousewheel item selection
Hide HUD when in menus etc
Hide crosshair when not looking at an entity
Animations for crosshair, health tooltip
Tap USE to run default option, hold to open menu
Updated crosshair tooltips, stripped out old
Fixed incorrect path in bootstrapping on OSX
Added Rust.Application.installPath that returns the full path to the install directory (still feels hacky, but at least we have a central point to fix stuff in the future)
Fixed block stage, demolish state not being networker properly
Fixed player flags not saving properly
Fixed conditional models not updating when block rotated
Fixed block upgrading happening even if you can't afford it
Fixed damage overlay flickering, weirdness
Fixed block skins being deleted on level change, leading to NREs
All the stuff I should have fixed before merging but forgot
Merged construction2 into trunk
Get phrases from block grades too
Demolish 4x faster
Updated phrases
chicken model + texture done.
Fixed issues with terrain atlas in GL; might require terrain shader reimport
Merged local chat branch.
Updated ProjectVersion and ProjectSettings to b12
Deleted some stm files, which apparently are just backup stuff that shouldn't be on here
Deleted the duplicate tree prefabs since they're already outdated (and even more outdated on the tree-batching branch)
Deleted some files that leaked into my previous commit.
Added two more more sln files to ignore.conf (please delete those from your branch again zon)
Do full tree batch refresh when the client finished loading
Removed random scaling from Spawnable (now handled by TreeMesh)
Added Tools->Update->Tree Prefabs and converted all tree prefabs to the new batching system
Added initial tree batching system
Increased network protocol.
Text chat now indicates volume.
Allow prefab preprocessors to run inside the editor
keypad, textures plus lods
Pie menu disabled items, some phrases
Pie menu defaults, fixed key repeating
Reverted some atlas terrain material parameter values
Added a few more shader LOD modes to terrain shader, from 100 to 600; one for each quality mode
Added bicubic filtered splat control samples for highest quality mode
Fixed a few older menu scene materials
Overlay tweaks, foundation conditionals
Building block placement and upgrade costs
Added terrible looking overlay on building low health (removed health bars)
Simplified usage of model conditions
Added condition models for wall/window/doorway corners
Made conditional models work with new build system (wip)