116,421 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
StackOverflowException fix for certain massive bases on certain hardware under certain circumstances
subtracted TC loot change incase of hotfix
TC no longer drops any loot when destroyed (test)
More behaviour AI
Monument navmesh work.
More work on AI behaviour.
Only log "no building for tool cupboard" with developer >= 1
First try preventing animals walking through closed doors at monuments.
bullet hitting water / water bomb fx
Cleaned up query api usage on flares and outline for readability
Occlusion queries limited to windows only; excluding it to investigate linux CTD
Cleaned up some hiz culling shader portions for readability
Process building splits / merges when entity is placed instead of the end of the frame
No longer check for building merges when loading from save
No longer check for building splits when shutting down
Process building splits / merges when entity is placed instead of the end of the frame
No longer check for building merges when loading from save
No longer check for building splits when shutting down
Reset scale for pipe_pile_b prefab to fix bradley getting stuck in launchsite
Static refinery sounds shit for real this time
Scene 2 prefab (static oil refinery sound fix)
Potential culling fix #1
Added occludee show bounds to lodcomp for targetted debug (editor only)
Renamed culling.world to culling.env, unsaved for now
Fixed upkeep resource numbers being shown incorrectly when reconnecting
Oil refinery sound ref fix
Added persistance version
mining quarry fixes
skin approval
Secondary cupboards decay if there is more than one cupboard on a building
Culling world toggle NRE checks
quarry types specialized to different resources (hqm/sulfur/stone+metal)
bases heal themselves if upkeep conditions are met and have not been attacked for 10min
tool cupboard only accepts resources
armored base cost reduced to 20hqm instead of 50+stone+wood
reduced all ammo crafting times to 3s
armored base cost reduced to 20hqm instead of 50+stone+wood
Work in progress on AI behaviour.
upkeep panel properly displays time left until decay begins
tool cupboard has 18 slots
24349 and fix cocked up sound refs
Added soft particle fade support to particles/water drop
24349 (deployable sounds)
Marked dropped rug and bear rug as dynamic occludees
Fixed potential NRE in worldmodel outline