256,611 Commits over 4,018 Days - 2.66cph!
CmdSetTag now has a 4th value, for the id of the entity that changed the tag
Attempting to fix comment input resizing
removed AttackData and hit stuff
Viewmodel source update to latest rig
* Added CLuaParticle.__tostring
* Added CLuaEmitter.__tostring
* Added CLuaEmitter.IsValid
wip converting attacks to entity tag changes
Added Entity.RemoveCallback, Entity.GetCallbacks
moved health property and references to use an entity tag
* Improved no collide vs players of certain tools
Apply nocollde vs player for certain tools
Tools that use EnableCollision( false ) which is buggy with player
Button's nocollide is now properly saved via duplicator
ScareNPCs works properly now
Entity views now register to receive tag change events
updated the release test checklist
Added updatebatchspawn convar (used instead of updatebatch when spawning, improves receiving data performance)
Added click and mouse enter/exit events to unit bar buttons
fix end turn button
tweak menu WIP
tweak unit health button
Entity tag values are now hidden behind function calls so we can manage entity tag updates
moved direction from a property to an Entity tag
tighter collision on humans
made human male collision box closer fitting
Fixed Strips Actions not properly showing debug visualization in Apex editor.
Can now guide which functions of a Strips Action should forward into Apex.
closer fitting collision meshes for female
Moved tactical view from ALT to CTRL keys
Can now hold ALT key to move the camera incase you don't have middle mouse button
laser form 0, increased core destroy screenshake
updating turn timer, end turn button frame , with animation and script related to it
Fixed remaining right-click loot glitchiness
Timed right-click item transferral was glitchy with network latency. Removed the timer (with Bill's permission), which has MOSTLY fixed the issues. Still some glitchiness if you right-click very fast but no major errors.
Added server autosave on quit, if autosaving is turned on
Nuked source cache folder
More seamless packing shader gui
Tool viewmodel position/scale fuckery
Boilerplate bot command system
Bot commands + actions progress
Fixing selecting unit from map WIP
fixed bullet rotation
bullets fade out when despawning
Merge branch 'master' of github.com:Facepunch/SpaceUsurperUnity
Merge branch 'master' into Ian
Build file
Build scenes
Jenkinsfile, scenes
Merge branch 'master' into Ian
Nuking lightmapping data
removed reflection probe from city scene
same for level1
fresh lighting assets
level 4 bake
Merged levels 3 and 4. Terminal system cleanup
Added SimpleConsole
Files cleanup
Added player_visible console command
AI sensors ignore invisible entities
Save game scene
Updated SimpleConsole
Terminal connection gizmos, editor
Asset save
Console imports, prefab cleanup, metas
Terminal interaction camera transition, input cleanup
Fixed LeaveTerminal coroutine being started multiple times
Terminal transition safety
Added botStation device to test level
Added RobotStation.BotEnable command
Fixed bad graphics settings causing crash
Test level navmesh
Updated SimpleConsole
Added remote mesh, tool boilerplate. UI Cleanup.
More UI cleanup
Varous tool bits
Merge branch 'master' into Ian
removed lerping from Follow Camera