117,003 Commits over 3,987 Days - 1.22cph!
Don't spawn grass on the cliffside topology
Fix for occasional floaty decor objects
Fixed speedtree facing leaf inverted lighting
Removing legacy water shaders, see if that works
Changed rust/terrain blend shader to preserve albedo detail in all quality levels; tweaked lower levels
Added OpenGLCore to Windows build settings (for asset bundles on the build server)
Can melee attack + build while swimming
Error text vertex overflow (UnityUI sux)
Hid some harmless warnings "Trying to add (Layout Rebuilder for)"
Boilerplate for auto muting/kicking chat spammers
Fixed broken speedtree normals on glcore ?_?; touched all rust/standard shaders just in case
Initial commit - Body_00 and Head_00. Eyes etc to follow
Sleeping bag exploit fixes
Trainyard - fixed missing pipe collisions and deadfall
Merge from procgen11.1
Splat adjustment of roads and rivers also use editor padding / fade parameters
Disabled foam underwater (camera depth based, won't match surface)
Fixed overly bright foam; raised foam texture's default anisotropic level
Fix for RUST-413 - Various dungeons sewers gaps
Removing old rocks prefabs folder
Removing old rock models and textures
Rock_temp folder rename
adding jerry can LODs + prefab, textures and materials.
Updated to standard brdf spec/refl changes in unity 5.3.1p1; touched relevant shaders
Craggy Island update
Savas/Savas Koth update
Sat dish material fixes Hapis
Added unity glcore support (now standard in osx); updated shaders and RustNative binaries
Distance crossfading bugfix
Allow attaching roofs to the bottom of other roofs again
Prefab prepare
Updated phrases
Disabled lazy aim
Viewmodel responsiveness tweaks
Fixed layer index warnings
Warmup construction parts placed directly in the map in editor (for debugging)
Dither UI protection background to avoid banding
Roof exploit fix
Stability diminishing returns
Various building block placement quality of life improvements
Fix for material setup throwing errors in edit mode
Semi_auto_rifle - materials and texture plus fbx