
113,112 Commits over 3,928 Days - 1.20cph!

7 Months Ago
Setup Food Cache Colliders and LOD's
7 Months Ago
fix for 3p shaky legs when using grenade launcher
7 Months Ago
Setup Food Cache Materials Started Food Cache Basic Prefab Setup
7 Months Ago
Merge from hood_and_cuffs
7 Months Ago
Fix wolf class not being set to partial
7 Months Ago
Added a ForceHidden check on item information display calls. Added ItemModHideInfoPanel which is checked by ForceHidden. Hide handcuff information panel.
7 Months Ago
latest wolf run attack animation exported
7 Months Ago
Added Food Cache Folders, Textures and FBX
7 Months Ago
Added Boomerang blockout.
7 Months Ago
mrege from main
7 Months Ago
Fix bug preventing foliage rustle sounds to only be heard on the local client. If someone moves in a bush nearby you will now hear it again.
7 Months Ago
named cameras individually
7 Months Ago
only applying constraints solve at the end of an iteration, avoids constraints feeding into eachother mid-iteration
7 Months Ago
configured ghostsheet with default length constraints
7 Months Ago
added default length constraint to be used by all bones without their own (before this allowed for full compression, which almost always gives bad results)
7 Months Ago
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7 Months Ago
Coastal rocks normal map fixes
7 Months Ago
Coastal rocks / prefabs / LODs and colliders
7 Months Ago
Updated Frontier Hatchet World Model to have correct LODS and to Include fur strip
7 Months Ago
merge from radtown_redux
7 Months Ago
radtown S2P
7 Months Ago
Added back door anim event sound component on residential door
7 Months Ago
changed door knock sound from metal to wood on residential door
7 Months Ago
fixed missing box colliders on ground floor chimneys in masterhouse
7 Months Ago
fixed electric fan b using fan a collider..
7 Months Ago
Fixed incorrect import options on colliders for radiators, vintage furniture, pushcarts, bathtub, large rubbish skip, radiactive vats, checkpoint hut, small rubbish skip, binbags, radhouse large
7 Months Ago
Fixed some material regressions on the siren lights. Siren lights use new fresnel emission
7 Months Ago
correct surface type on stairs from walkways set
7 Months Ago
Add proxy wolf2 to manifest
7 Months Ago
Early wolf root motion tests
7 Months Ago
Changed the technique for collider to Prevent Movement instead of transparent Changed to mesh lod
7 Months Ago
added missing ceiling box collider in recycler room of storage building large
7 Months Ago
Removed simplelight from gate prefab.
7 Months Ago
fixed AC unit missing collision on roof, was mesh - not prefab
7 Months Ago
moved mesh colliders from LOD0 to parent on radhouse_large
7 Months Ago
Moved hobo to lighting prefab, because it has bespoke optimized lighting for that area.
7 Months Ago
Merge from hood and cuffs
7 Months Ago
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7 Months Ago
Merge from main
7 Months Ago
Small hue tweak on Hobo lights.
7 Months Ago
Rename effects.hurt to effects.hurtoverlay so it doesn't become the default executed console option when trying to hurt yourself
7 Months Ago
bunch of tweaks along the way
7 Months Ago
assets gym scene - end?
7 Months Ago
Cleaned up
7 Months Ago
Smol wall vent nudge.
7 Months Ago
Prefab backup
7 Months Ago
Disabled a small metallic wall shelf because problematic unavoidable specular lighting bleed.
7 Months Ago
vm blunderbuss - set rotate around muzzle value back to 1, fixed clipping issues instead via rotate amount test
7 Months Ago
Merge from hood_and_cuffs