2,533 Commits over 397 Days - 0.27cph!
Fixed elevator buttons not working (silo and train tunnels)
Prevent buiilding volume tweaks
Fixed elevators preventing door controller deployment
Fixed parented wires not being updated correctly, for real this time
Fixed parented wires not being updated when opening/closing the door when wiring
Restored a method widely used by plugins
Fixed sleeping bags preventing door controller deployment
Line anchors now updated based on a client side event
Restored door controller 'Power In' input old behaviour and removed the new 'Toggle' input - so they act as before and just benefit from the new 'Open' and 'Close' inputs
Added a button to toggle nightlight in the Workshop scene
When in debug camera, instanlty disable nightlight instead of fading it out over a few seconds (if nightlight_debugcamera_enabled is false)
Fixed 'env.nightlight_enabled' convar not being evaluated during the whole night
Added 'debugging.debugcamera_nightlight' to disable nightlight when using debug camera, off by default
Merged doorcontroller_mergefix into main
Fixed NRE when clearing wire connections
Tesla Coils and Igniters no longer take damage when picked up
Merged doorcontroller_mergefix into main
Re-applied stone and wood gates changes
Increase RF frequency range from 4 to 6 digits
Updated RF items crafting costs:
RF Broadcaster:
Metal Fragments 100 -> 150
Tech Trash 1 -> 0
RF Receiver:
Metal Fragments 100 -> 150
Tech Trash 1 - 0
RF Transmitter:
HQM 5 → Metal Fragments 100
Tech Trash 1 → 0
RF Pager:
Metal Fragments 50 → 100
Tech Trash 1 → 0
Forgot to remove a codelock in the fence gate prefab...
Added an exception for garage doors IO wire parenting
Code cleanup, pairing & loading fixes
Added door controller sockets to all door and gate prefabs, also flagging colliders as potential IO wire parents
Deploy guide parenting fixes, still need to fix the bounds check
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Removed DoorController redundant slot code
DoorController prefab: new sockets, updated lights
Converted DoorController to use Socket_Specific instead of the legacy code lock socket system
Added support for bone parenting on Socket_Specific
Fixed industrial splitter snapping offset
Fixed wire loading issue: We now save the initial positions and rotations of IO connections to make sure entities parented to moving objects spawn their lines at the right place
(e.g. you load a DoorController on an opened door, lines need to be spawned at the position where the component was initially wired)
This also allows door controller to be wired when doors are opened
Fixed a few IO line parenting loading issues + refacto and naming
Update wire parented positions only when the parent entity is busy (door opening/closing)
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Auto pair when deployed, if you have code lock access
Client IO lines parenting (missed some files)
Client IO lines parenting wip: wires placed on doors are now properly parented and will follow as they open and close
Unpair all door controllers when TC is destroyed
Door controllers are now deployable on doors like codelocks
Added 3 new aux inputs: 'Open', 'Close' and 'Toggle'
Various code cleanup, codegen
Fixed Deluxe Christmas Lights inconsistent UI behaviour, it now displays the five options and select the current mode by default when opened
Fixed Timer Switch being triggered by circuit updates even when the power amount didn't change
Fixed AND, OR and XOR switches emitting light when unpowered
Fixed storage monitor not taking into account partial stack changes
Fixed industrial wall light snapping issues, debug origin was off
Fixed default guide mesh orientation issues after rotating it