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Set some colliders to triggers
Merge Travelling Vendor -> Main
Travelling Vendor ~
- Increased Torque
- Simplified and improved pullover mechanics, as well as alignment
- Put max speed system in
- Fixed issues with large colliders pushing or pulling small bikes nearby and stopping dismounts
- FIxed issues with TargetDetection trigger not being on the correct layer. Causing issues with trains and not picking up targets properly
- Fixed issues with handling at high speeds
- Fixed brake problems
- Vehicle push/ player push now only enabled when in movement|
- Fixed bugs stopping vendor from stopping when players are nearby
- Fixed brake lights
Reduced distance to kirb
Clear hits list in between
Travelling Vendor + Dynamic Pricing -> Main
Max speed
Removed Rigidbody interpolation
Fixed steering deadzone issues
Fixed missing bracket on turrets
Prefab update
Attempt to fix the stuttering
Reverted ackermann steering to a simple angle based steering system. Works better in most cases
Default colliders now checked to ensure they arent a child of the vendor
Removed non convex colliders
Improved wheel traction
Default physics layer checks on roadside (Should pickup those roadsigns)
Prevent NPCVendorTurrets from corrupting saves again
Created and setup icon for travelling vendor
Merge Travelling Vendor -> Main
Travelling Vendor -> Main
Cherrypicked server override fix
Cherrypicked VehicleChassis Workaround
Cherrypicked event compile fix
Merge Main -> Travelling Vendor
Greatly improved the reliability of pull over checks. Now correctly notices electrical boxes, electric poles, cactus and junkpiles in basically all cases
Fixed rear wheels not moving
Fixed indicators
Vendor now destroys road signs that it comes in contact with
Adjusted wheel collider values. Appears to be more stable overall
Dont force network update every fixed update. Seems to provide better results at first glance
Fixed vending machine screens not showing anything
Handbrake system to help prevent tipping over when first spawned
Swapped collider checks from vis.colliders to overlapspherenonalloc to try and pick up electric poles
Better error messages for when the vendor doesnt spawn
Fixed missing override on server build
VehicleChassisVisuals work around
Merge Travelling Vendor + Dynamic Pricing -> Aux2
Fixed incorrect positions of vendor fronts (again)
Vehicle lights bool rewrite again
Refactor of indicator code
Prefab changes
Reduce left right wobble
Debug logs for brakes/indicators
Reload road categories when loading cached road.
This should prevent issues where the vendor couldn't be spawned after loading a save.
Setup most of the base to handle indicator blinking
Light setup in vendor client
Setup VehicleLight to support setting transmittance
VehicleLight now supports using the brake colour as a seperate off colour rather than just black
Merge conflicts
Fixed server build errors
Power boost to stop struggling on hills
Logs removed
Do wheel rotations in quaternion space to avoid gimble lock
Further clientside angle adjustments
Clientside axle and wheels now follow serverside position
FX effects added for different terrain types
Wheel and axle rotation setup for the correct axis
All references now swapped over to use VisualCollider
WheelColliders now shared
Fixed incorrect tangent when checking pull over position validity