13,600 Commits over 2,710 Days - 0.21cph!
Fixed water well NPC's not appearing properly on the hunting trophy
Fixed plants spawning in water well planters losing their 100% condition on server load
Merge from world_update_2
Merge from elevator_parenting_collision_improvements
Add an IgnoreParentEntityColliders option to TriggerParentElevator, prevents players from getting unparented from an elevator when they collide with a collider on the elevator
Also has special handling to ignore collisions with the corresponding client/server entity when in the editor
Static planters code cleanup, use PrefabAttributes and remove the id lookup as it won't work through a save/load
Fixed planters being able to plant more than one plant in a slot after a server restart
Increase spawn check timing to 4 minutes (was 30s)
Rebuild manifest
Unsaved food cache loot change
Adjust food cache spawns, removed black berries and raw meat
Fixed water well shop appearing on the map after a server restart
Merge from world_update_2
Removed all child gameobjects on a bunch of loot entities on the server (mostly some leftover model gameobejcts and the empty birthday balloon objects)
Affects crate_basic, crate_elite, crate_mine, crate_normal_2_food, crate_normal_2_medical, crate_normal_2, crate_normal, crate_tools, crate_underwater_basic, foodbox, loot_barrel_1, loot_barrel_2, oil_barrel, vehicle_parts
Removes 1-12 gameobjects per entity
Fix some vendors in bandit and fishing villages not working
Disable the network type on the EnvironmentVolumes in the train stations (stations are higher than tunnels, we only want the tunnels to contribute to the network threshold)
Delete UI.Inventory.controller, not used at runtime and prints warnings when opening the editor
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Update the inner lake topology of craggy island so it renders water
Merge from spraycan_shippingcontainer_qol
Shipping container block colour is now saved as ClientInfo so will persist across servers and through client restarts
Fix spray can not appearing in crafting menu if player searches "can"
We search descriptions as well in that menu and too many items have the word "can" in the description, flooding the results (we only take the first 60 results)
Merge from nametags_random_colour
Server now sends a player network upate when a player enteres or leaves a team, fixes the teamID being out of date on non-local clients until the player enters and exits network range
Caused some inconsistent esp name colouring
Merge from world_update_2
Added AmbientLightMultiplier, DirectionalLightMultiplier, ReflectionMultiplier, SunMeshBrightnessMultiplier and MoonMeshBrightnessMultiplier to WeatherPreset
Undo directionalLightIntensityDepthMultiplier changes from yesterday
Merge from world_update_2
Merge from world_update_2/dynamic_underground_network_groups
Merge from world_update_2/dynamic_underground_network_groups
Applied the network group toggle to the train_tunnel_volume prefab so it's applied across everything
Disable the network group toggle on the slope up and down transitions as they would shift the network group up too much
Fixed thresholds getting reset in Client/Server mode
Merge from world_update_2/dynamic_underground_network_groups
Added a new NetworkType field to EnvironmentVolume
Volumes marked TrainTunnels will now lower the train tunnels network threshold to match the top of their volume
Marked all train tunnel volumes as the appropriate network group
This should resolve entities built on the bottom of canyons being considered underground and not networking to the surface
This includes a cherrypick form the dynamic_underground_network_groups branch
MeshLOD can now be used with DeferredMeshDecals, handles turning on and off and swapping LOD levels and updating the decal accordingly
Re-enabled glue models in compound
Merge from world_update_2
Disable the glue prefabs in compound for now to resolve error on joining
Merge from world_update_2/waterwell_update
Reduced light extinction underwater
Added directionalLightIntensityDepthMultiplier, adjusts the sun/moon light intensity based on the players underwater depth (to counteract the above extinction changes but still allow underwater light sources)
Currently printing the current water depth every frame for testing
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Reworked invisible npc shopkeeper init process so we can diasble the vending machine collider when the attached NPC is dead
Resolves a few issues, most notably the ragdoll of killed water well shopkeepers behaving incorrectly (because they were spawning inside a collider)
Removed a loading platform renderer in outpost that wasn't part of a LOD
Converted all of the glue decals to MeshLODs for memory savings and allows them to be included in the HLOD disable list
HLOD and S2P outpost
Fixed selected creative grade not being consistent across all grades, now uses the order of the foundation block
Delete ParticleIKFix script, not used and has been replaced by better solutions
Allow the static team ids in ESPPlayerInfo to be run from server (eg. GreenTeamId, RedTeamId, BlueTeamId, etc)
Fix NRE when an empty string is bound to an input
Fixed some world models getting spawned at the incorrect scale (scale at prefab level isn't respected by gameManager.CreatePrefab, manually apply scale after spawning)